blob: 74ed3e846caebc385717c78cd00915e3bccd7215 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package routes
import (
import (
envoy_config_core_v3 ""
envoy_config_route_v3 ""
envoy_type_matcher_v3 ""
import (
util_proto ""
envoy_virtual_hosts ""
// RouteMatchExactPath updates the route to match the exact path. This
// replaces any previous path match specification.
func RouteMatchExactPath(path string) RouteConfigurer {
if path == "" {
return RouteConfigureFunc(nil)
return RouteMustConfigureFunc(func(r *envoy_config_route_v3.Route) {
r.Match.PathSpecifier = &envoy_config_route_v3.RouteMatch_Path{
Path: path,
// RouteMatchPrefixPath updates the route to match the given path
// prefix. This is a byte-wise prefix, so it just checks that the request
// path begins with the given string. This replaces any previous path match
// specification.
func RouteMatchPrefixPath(prefix string) RouteConfigurer {
if prefix == "" {
return RouteConfigureFunc(nil)
return RouteMustConfigureFunc(func(r *envoy_config_route_v3.Route) {
r.Match.PathSpecifier = &envoy_config_route_v3.RouteMatch_Prefix{
Prefix: prefix,
// RouteMatchRegexPath updates the route to match the path using the
// given regex. This replaces any previous path match specification.
func RouteMatchRegexPath(regex string) RouteConfigurer {
if regex == "" {
return RouteConfigureFunc(nil)
return RouteMustConfigureFunc(func(r *envoy_config_route_v3.Route) {
r.Match.PathSpecifier = &envoy_config_route_v3.RouteMatch_SafeRegex{
SafeRegex: &envoy_type_matcher_v3.RegexMatcher{Regex: regex},
// RouteMatchExactHeader appends an exact match for the value of the named HTTP request header.
func RouteMatchExactHeader(name string, value string) RouteConfigurer {
if name == "" || value == "" {
return RouteConfigureFunc(nil)
return RouteMustConfigureFunc(func(r *envoy_config_route_v3.Route) {
matcher := envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher{
MatchPattern: &envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher_Exact{
Exact: value,
r.Match.Headers = append(r.Match.Headers,
Name: name,
HeaderMatchSpecifier: &envoy_config_route_v3.HeaderMatcher_StringMatch{
StringMatch: &matcher,
// RouteMatchRegexHeader appends a regex match for the value of the named HTTP request header.
func RouteMatchRegexHeader(name string, regex string) RouteConfigurer {
if name == "" || regex == "" {
return RouteConfigureFunc(nil)
return RouteMustConfigureFunc(func(r *envoy_config_route_v3.Route) {
r.Match.Headers = append(r.Match.Headers,
Name: name,
HeaderMatchSpecifier: &envoy_config_route_v3.HeaderMatcher_StringMatch{
StringMatch: &envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher{
MatchPattern: &envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher_SafeRegex{
SafeRegex: &envoy_type_matcher_v3.RegexMatcher{
Regex: regex,
// RouteMatchPresentHeader appends a present match for the names HTTP request header (presentMatch makes absent)
func RouteMatchPresentHeader(name string, presentMatch bool) RouteConfigurer {
if name == "" {
return RouteConfigureFunc(nil)
return RouteMustConfigureFunc(func(r *envoy_config_route_v3.Route) {
r.Match.Headers = append(r.Match.Headers,
Name: name,
HeaderMatchSpecifier: &envoy_config_route_v3.HeaderMatcher_PresentMatch{
PresentMatch: presentMatch,
// RouteMatchPrefixHeader appends a prefix match for the names HTTP request header
func RouteMatchPrefixHeader(name string, match string) RouteConfigurer {
if name == "" {
return RouteConfigureFunc(nil)
return RouteMustConfigureFunc(func(r *envoy_config_route_v3.Route) {
r.Match.Headers = append(r.Match.Headers,
Name: name,
HeaderMatchSpecifier: &envoy_config_route_v3.HeaderMatcher_PrefixMatch{
PrefixMatch: match,
// RouteMatchExactQuery appends an exact match for the value of the named query parameter.
func RouteMatchExactQuery(name string, value string) RouteConfigurer {
if name == "" || value == "" {
return RouteConfigureFunc(nil)
return RouteMustConfigureFunc(func(r *envoy_config_route_v3.Route) {
matcher := envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher{
MatchPattern: &envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher_Exact{
Exact: value,
r.Match.QueryParameters = append(r.Match.QueryParameters,
Name: name,
QueryParameterMatchSpecifier: &envoy_config_route_v3.QueryParameterMatcher_StringMatch{
StringMatch: &matcher,
// RouteMatchRegexQuery appends a regex match for the value of the named query parameter.
func RouteMatchRegexQuery(name string, regex string) RouteConfigurer {
if name == "" || regex == "" {
return RouteConfigureFunc(nil)
return RouteMustConfigureFunc(func(r *envoy_config_route_v3.Route) {
matcher := envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher{
MatchPattern: &envoy_type_matcher_v3.StringMatcher_SafeRegex{
SafeRegex: &envoy_type_matcher_v3.RegexMatcher{Regex: regex},
r.Match.QueryParameters = append(r.Match.QueryParameters,
Name: name,
QueryParameterMatchSpecifier: &envoy_config_route_v3.QueryParameterMatcher_StringMatch{
StringMatch: &matcher,
func RouteAppendHeader(name string, value string) *envoy_config_core_v3.HeaderValueOption {
return &envoy_config_core_v3.HeaderValueOption{
AppendAction: envoy_config_core_v3.HeaderValueOption_APPEND_IF_EXISTS_OR_ADD,
Header: &envoy_config_core_v3.HeaderValue{
Key: http.CanonicalHeaderKey(name),
Value: value,
func RouteReplaceHeader(name string, value string) *envoy_config_core_v3.HeaderValueOption {
return &envoy_config_core_v3.HeaderValueOption{
AppendAction: envoy_config_core_v3.HeaderValueOption_OVERWRITE_IF_EXISTS_OR_ADD,
Header: &envoy_config_core_v3.HeaderValue{
Key: http.CanonicalHeaderKey(name),
Value: value,
// RouteAddRequestHeader alters the given request header value.
func RouteAddRequestHeader(option *envoy_config_core_v3.HeaderValueOption) RouteConfigurer {
if option == nil {
return RouteConfigureFunc(nil)
return RouteMustConfigureFunc(func(r *envoy_config_route_v3.Route) {
r.RequestHeadersToAdd = append(r.RequestHeadersToAdd, option)
// RouteAddResponseHeader alters the given response header value.
func RouteAddResponseHeader(option *envoy_config_core_v3.HeaderValueOption) RouteConfigurer {
if option == nil {
return RouteConfigureFunc(nil)
return RouteMustConfigureFunc(func(r *envoy_config_route_v3.Route) {
r.ResponseHeadersToAdd = append(r.ResponseHeadersToAdd, option)
// RouteReplaceHostHeader replaces the Host header on the forwarded
// request. It is an error to rewrite the header if the route is not
// forwarding. The route action must be configured beforehand.
func RouteReplaceHostHeader(host string) RouteConfigurer {
if host == "" {
return RouteConfigureFunc(nil)
return RouteConfigureFunc(func(r *envoy_config_route_v3.Route) error {
if r.GetAction() == nil {
return errors.New("cannot configure the Host header before the route action")
if action := r.GetRoute(); action != nil {
action.HostRewriteSpecifier = &envoy_config_route_v3.RouteAction_HostRewriteLiteral{
HostRewriteLiteral: host,
return nil
func RouteSetRewriteHostToBackendHostname(value bool) RouteConfigurer {
if !value {
return RouteConfigureFunc(nil)
return RouteConfigureFunc(func(r *envoy_config_route_v3.Route) error {
if r.GetAction() == nil {
return errors.New("cannot set the 'auto_host_rewrite' before the route action")
if action := r.GetRoute(); action != nil {
action.HostRewriteSpecifier = &envoy_config_route_v3.RouteAction_AutoHostRewrite{
AutoHostRewrite: util_proto.Bool(value),
return nil
// RouteDeleteRequestHeader deletes the given header from the HTTP request.
func RouteDeleteRequestHeader(name string) RouteConfigurer {
if name == "" {
return RouteConfigureFunc(nil)
return RouteMustConfigureFunc(func(r *envoy_config_route_v3.Route) {
r.RequestHeadersToRemove = append(r.RequestHeadersToRemove, name)
// RouteDeleteResponseHeader deletes the given header from the HTTP response.
func RouteDeleteResponseHeader(name string) RouteConfigurer {
if name == "" {
return RouteConfigureFunc(nil)
return RouteMustConfigureFunc(func(r *envoy_config_route_v3.Route) {
r.ResponseHeadersToRemove = append(r.ResponseHeadersToRemove, name)
// RoutePerFilterConfig sets an optional per-filter configuration message
// for this route. filterName is the name of the filter that should receive
// the configuration that is specified in filterConfig
func RoutePerFilterConfig(filterName string, filterConfig *anypb.Any) RouteConfigurer {
return RouteConfigureFunc(func(r *envoy_config_route_v3.Route) error {
if r.GetTypedPerFilterConfig() == nil {
r.TypedPerFilterConfig = map[string]*anypb.Any{}
m := r.GetTypedPerFilterConfig()
if _, ok := m[filterName]; ok {
return errors.Errorf("duplicate %q per-filter config for %s",
filterConfig.GetTypeUrl(), filterName)
m[filterName] = filterConfig
return nil
// RouteActionRequestTimeout sets the total timeout for an upstream request.
func RouteActionRequestTimeout(timeout time.Duration) RouteConfigurer {
if timeout == 0 {
return RouteConfigureFunc(nil)
return RouteConfigureFunc(func(r *envoy_config_route_v3.Route) error {
if p := r.GetRoute(); p != nil {
p.Timeout = util_proto.Duration(timeout)
return nil
func RouteActionIdleTimeout(timeout time.Duration) RouteConfigurer {
return RouteConfigureFunc(func(r *envoy_config_route_v3.Route) error {
if p := r.GetRoute(); p != nil {
p.IdleTimeout = util_proto.Duration(timeout)
return nil
// RouteActionDirectResponse sets the direct response for a route
func RouteActionDirectResponse(status uint32, respStr string) RouteConfigurer {
return RouteConfigureFunc(func(r *envoy_config_route_v3.Route) error {
r.Action = &envoy_config_route_v3.Route_DirectResponse{
DirectResponse: &envoy_config_route_v3.DirectResponseAction{
Status: status,
Body: &envoy_config_core_v3.DataSource{
Specifier: &envoy_config_core_v3.DataSource_InlineString{
InlineString: respStr,
return nil
// VirtualHostRoute creates an option to add the route builder to a
// virtual host. On execution, the builder will build the route and append
// it to the virtual host. Since Envoy evaluates route matches in order,
// route builders should be configured on virtual hosts in the intended
// match order.
func VirtualHostRoute(route *RouteBuilder) envoy_virtual_hosts.VirtualHostBuilderOpt {
return envoy_virtual_hosts.AddVirtualHostConfigurer(
envoy_virtual_hosts.VirtualHostConfigureFunc(func(vh *envoy_config_route_v3.VirtualHost) error {
resource, err := route.Build()
if err != nil {
return err
routeProto, ok := resource.(*envoy_config_route_v3.Route)
if !ok {
return errors.Errorf("attempt to attach %T as type %q",
resource, "envoy_config_route_v3.Route")
vh.Routes = append(vh.Routes, routeProto)
return nil