blob: 3804b4217877abe2fbf6b26c76af1d7d700d25e7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package builders
import (
import (
mesh_proto ""
core_mesh ""
core_model ""
test_model ""
var (
FirstInboundPort = uint32(80)
FirstInboundServicePort = uint32(8080)
FirstOutboundPort = uint32(10001)
type DataplaneBuilder struct {
res *core_mesh.DataplaneResource
func Dataplane() *DataplaneBuilder {
return &DataplaneBuilder{
res: &core_mesh.DataplaneResource{
Meta: &test_model.ResourceMeta{
Mesh: core_model.DefaultMesh,
Name: "dp-1",
Spec: &mesh_proto.Dataplane{
Networking: &mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking{
Address: "",
func (d *DataplaneBuilder) Build() *core_mesh.DataplaneResource {
if err := d.res.Validate(); err != nil {
return d.res
func (d *DataplaneBuilder) Create(s store.ResourceStore) error {
return s.Create(context.Background(), d.Build(), store.CreateBy(d.Key()))
func (d *DataplaneBuilder) Key() core_model.ResourceKey {
return core_model.MetaToResourceKey(d.res.GetMeta())
func (d *DataplaneBuilder) With(fn func(*core_mesh.DataplaneResource)) *DataplaneBuilder {
return d
func (d *DataplaneBuilder) WithName(name string) *DataplaneBuilder {
d.res.Meta.(*test_model.ResourceMeta).Name = name
return d
func (d *DataplaneBuilder) WithMesh(mesh string) *DataplaneBuilder {
d.res.Meta.(*test_model.ResourceMeta).Mesh = mesh
return d
func (d *DataplaneBuilder) WithVersion(version string) *DataplaneBuilder {
d.res.Meta.(*test_model.ResourceMeta).Version = version
return d
func (d *DataplaneBuilder) WithAddress(address string) *DataplaneBuilder {
d.res.Spec.Networking.Address = address
return d
func (d *DataplaneBuilder) WithServices(services ...string) *DataplaneBuilder {
for _, service := range services {
return d
func (d *DataplaneBuilder) WithHttpServices(services ...string) *DataplaneBuilder {
for _, service := range services {
return d
func (d *DataplaneBuilder) WithoutInbounds() *DataplaneBuilder {
d.res.Spec.Networking.Inbound = nil
return d
func (d *DataplaneBuilder) WithInboundOfTags(tagsKV ...string) *DataplaneBuilder {
return d.WithInboundOfTagsMap(TagsKVToMap(tagsKV))
func (d *DataplaneBuilder) WithInboundOfTagsMap(tags map[string]string) *DataplaneBuilder {
return d.WithoutInbounds().AddInboundOfTagsMap(tags)
func (d *DataplaneBuilder) AddInboundOfService(service string) *DataplaneBuilder {
return d.AddInboundOfTags(mesh_proto.ServiceTag, service)
func (d *DataplaneBuilder) AddInboundHttpOfService(service string) *DataplaneBuilder {
return d.AddInboundOfTags(mesh_proto.ServiceTag, service, mesh_proto.ProtocolTag, "http")
func (d *DataplaneBuilder) AddInboundOfTags(tags ...string) *DataplaneBuilder {
return d.AddInboundOfTagsMap(TagsKVToMap(tags))
func (d *DataplaneBuilder) AddInboundOfTagsMap(tags map[string]string) *DataplaneBuilder {
return d.AddInbound(
WithPort(FirstInboundPort + uint32(len(d.res.Spec.Networking.Inbound))).
WithServicePort(FirstInboundServicePort + uint32(len(d.res.Spec.Networking.Inbound))).
func (d *DataplaneBuilder) AddInbound(inbound *InboundBuilder) *DataplaneBuilder {
d.res.Spec.Networking.Inbound = append(d.res.Spec.Networking.Inbound, inbound.Build())
return d
func (d *DataplaneBuilder) AddOutbound(outbound *OutboundBuilder) *DataplaneBuilder {
d.res.Spec.Networking.Outbound = append(d.res.Spec.Networking.Outbound, outbound.Build())
return d
func (d *DataplaneBuilder) AddOutbounds(outbounds []*OutboundBuilder) *DataplaneBuilder {
for _, outbound := range outbounds {
d.res.Spec.Networking.Outbound = append(d.res.Spec.Networking.Outbound, outbound.Build())
return d
func (d *DataplaneBuilder) AddOutboundToService(service string) *DataplaneBuilder {
d.res.Spec.Networking.Outbound = append(d.res.Spec.Networking.Outbound, &mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Outbound{
Port: FirstOutboundPort + uint32(len(d.res.Spec.Networking.Outbound)),
Tags: map[string]string{
mesh_proto.ServiceTag: service,
return d
func (d *DataplaneBuilder) AddOutboundsToServices(services ...string) *DataplaneBuilder {
for _, service := range services {
return d
func TagsKVToMap(tagsKV []string) map[string]string {
if len(tagsKV)%2 == 1 {
panic("tagsKV has to have even number of arguments")
tags := map[string]string{}
for i := 0; i < len(tagsKV); i += 2 {
tags[tagsKV[i]] = tagsKV[i+1]
return tags
func (d *DataplaneBuilder) WithAdminPort(i int) *DataplaneBuilder {
d.res.Spec.Networking.Admin = &mesh_proto.EnvoyAdmin{
Port: uint32(i),
return d
type InboundBuilder struct {
res *mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Inbound
func Inbound() *InboundBuilder {
return &InboundBuilder{
res: &mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Inbound{
Tags: map[string]string{},
func (b *InboundBuilder) WithAddress(addr string) *InboundBuilder {
b.res.Address = addr
return b
func (b *InboundBuilder) WithPort(port uint32) *InboundBuilder {
b.res.Port = port
return b
func (b *InboundBuilder) WithServicePort(port uint32) *InboundBuilder {
b.res.ServicePort = port
return b
func (b *InboundBuilder) WithTags(tags map[string]string) *InboundBuilder {
for k, v := range tags {
b.res.Tags[k] = v
return b
func (b *InboundBuilder) WithService(name string) *InboundBuilder {
b.WithTags(map[string]string{mesh_proto.ServiceTag: name})
return b
func (b *InboundBuilder) Build() *mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Inbound {
return b.res
type OutboundBuilder struct {
res *mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Outbound
func Outbound() *OutboundBuilder {
return &OutboundBuilder{
res: &mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Outbound{
Tags: map[string]string{},
func (b *OutboundBuilder) WithAddress(addr string) *OutboundBuilder {
b.res.Address = addr
return b
func (b *OutboundBuilder) WithPort(port uint32) *OutboundBuilder {
b.res.Port = port
return b
func (b *OutboundBuilder) WithTags(tags map[string]string) *OutboundBuilder {
for k, v := range tags {
b.res.Tags[k] = v
return b
func (b *OutboundBuilder) WithService(name string) *OutboundBuilder {
b.WithTags(map[string]string{mesh_proto.ServiceTag: name})
return b
func (b *OutboundBuilder) Build() *mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Outbound {
return b.res