blob: c3df9ec7ac6398aa732ac9b6442bb0140ebcb9c4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package controllers
import (
import (
kube_core ""
kube_client ""
import (
mesh_proto ""
core_mesh ""
util_k8s ""
type InboundConverter struct {
NameExtractor NameExtractor
func inboundForService(zone string, pod *kube_core.Pod, service *kube_core.Service) []*mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Inbound {
var ifaces []*mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Inbound
for i := range service.Spec.Ports {
svcPort := service.Spec.Ports[i]
if svcPort.Protocol != "" && svcPort.Protocol != kube_core.ProtocolTCP {
// ignore non-TCP ports
containerPort, container, err := util_k8s.FindPort(pod, &svcPort)
if err != nil {
converterLog.Error(err, "failed to find a container port in a given Pod that would match a given Service port", "namespace", pod.Namespace, "podName", pod.Name, "serviceName", service.Name, "servicePortName", svcPort.Name)
// ignore those cases where a Pod doesn't have all the ports a Service has
tags := InboundTagsForService(zone, pod, service, &svcPort)
state := mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Inbound_Ready
health := mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Inbound_Health{
Ready: true,
// if container is not equal nil then port is explicitly defined as containerPort so we're able
// to figure out which container implements which service. Since we know container we can check its status
// and map it to the Dataplane health
if container != nil {
if cs := util_k8s.FindContainerStatus(pod, container.Name); cs != nil && !cs.Ready {
state = mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Inbound_NotReady
health.Ready = false
ifaces = append(ifaces, &mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Inbound{
Port: uint32(containerPort),
Tags: tags,
State: state,
Health: &health, // write health for backwards compatibility with Kuma 2.5 and older
return ifaces
func inboundForServiceless(zone string, pod *kube_core.Pod, name string) *mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Inbound {
// The Pod does not have any services associated with it, just get the data from the Pod itself
// We still need that extra listener with a service because it is required in many places of the code (e.g. mTLS)
// TCPPortReserved, is a special port that will never be allocated from the TCP/IP stack. We use it as special
// designator that this is actually a service-less inbound.
// NOTE: It is cleaner to implement an equivalent of Gateway which is inbound-less dataplane. However such approch
// will create lots of code changes to account for this other type of dataplne (we already have GW and Ingress),
// including GUI and CLI changes
tags := InboundTagsForPod(zone, pod, name)
state := mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Inbound_Ready
health := mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Inbound_Health{
Ready: true,
return &mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Inbound{
Port: mesh_proto.TCPPortReserved,
Tags: tags,
State: state,
Health: &health, // write health for backwards compatibility with Kuma 2.5 and older
func (i *InboundConverter) InboundInterfacesFor(ctx context.Context, zone string, pod *kube_core.Pod, services []*kube_core.Service) ([]*mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Inbound, error) {
var ifaces []*mesh_proto.Dataplane_Networking_Inbound
for _, svc := range services {
// Services of ExternalName type should not have any selectors.
// Kubernetes does not validate this, so in rare cases, a service of
// ExternalName type could point to a workload inside the mesh. If this
// happens, we would incorrectly generate inbounds including
// ExternalName service. We do not currently support ExternalName
// services, so we can safely skip them from processing.
if svc.Spec.Type != kube_core.ServiceTypeExternalName {
ifaces = append(ifaces, inboundForService(zone, pod, svc)...)
if len(ifaces) == 0 {
if len(services) > 0 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("A service that selects pod %s was found, but it doesn't match any container ports.", pod.GetName())
name, _, err := i.NameExtractor.Name(ctx, pod)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ifaces = append(ifaces, inboundForServiceless(zone, pod, name))
return ifaces, nil
func InboundTagsForService(zone string, pod *kube_core.Pod, svc *kube_core.Service, svcPort *kube_core.ServicePort) map[string]string {
logger := converterLog.WithValues("pod", pod.Name, "namespace", pod.Namespace)
tags := map[string]string{}
var ignoredLabels []string
for key, value := range pod.Labels {
if value == "" {
if strings.Contains(key, "") {
ignoredLabels = append(ignoredLabels, key)
tags[key] = value
if len(ignoredLabels) > 0 {
logger.Info("ignoring internal labels when converting labels to tags", "label", strings.Join(ignoredLabels, ","))
tags[mesh_proto.KubeNamespaceTag] = pod.Namespace
tags[mesh_proto.KubeServiceTag] = svc.Name
tags[mesh_proto.KubePortTag] = strconv.Itoa(int(svcPort.Port))
tags[mesh_proto.ServiceTag] = util_k8s.ServiceTag(kube_client.ObjectKeyFromObject(svc), &svcPort.Port)
if zone != "" {
tags[mesh_proto.ZoneTag] = zone
// For provided gateway we should ignore the protocol tag
protocol := ProtocolTagFor(svc, svcPort)
tags[mesh_proto.ProtocolTag] = protocol
if isHeadlessService(svc) {
tags[mesh_proto.InstanceTag] = pod.Name
return tags
// ProtocolTagFor infers service protocol from a `<port>` annotation or `appProtocol`.
func ProtocolTagFor(svc *kube_core.Service, svcPort *kube_core.ServicePort) string {
var protocolValue string
protocolAnnotation := fmt.Sprintf("", svcPort.Port)
if svcPort.AppProtocol != nil {
protocolValue = *svcPort.AppProtocol
// `appProtocol` can be any protocol and if we don't explicitly support
// it, let the default below take effect
if core_mesh.ParseProtocol(protocolValue) == core_mesh.ProtocolUnknown {
protocolValue = ""
if explicitKumaProtocol, ok := svc.Annotations[protocolAnnotation]; ok && protocolValue == "" {
protocolValue = explicitKumaProtocol
if protocolValue == "" {
// if `appProtocol` or `<port>` is missing or has an empty value
// we want Dataplane to have a `protocol: tcp` tag in order to get user's attention
protocolValue = core_mesh.ProtocolTCP
// if `<port>` field is present but has an invalid value
// we still want Dataplane to have a `protocol: <lowercase value>` tag in order to make it clear
// to a user that at least `<port>` has an effect
return strings.ToLower(protocolValue)
func InboundTagsForPod(zone string, pod *kube_core.Pod, name string) map[string]string {
tags := util_k8s.CopyStringMap(pod.Labels)
for key, value := range tags {
if value == "" {
delete(tags, key)
if tags == nil {
tags = make(map[string]string)
tags[mesh_proto.KubeNamespaceTag] = pod.Namespace
tags[mesh_proto.ServiceTag] = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_svc", name, pod.Namespace)
if zone != "" {
tags[mesh_proto.ZoneTag] = zone
tags[mesh_proto.ProtocolTag] = core_mesh.ProtocolTCP
tags[mesh_proto.InstanceTag] = pod.Name
return tags