blob: 6835758da5eec052d300478bee286663bab63574 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
// Provides endpoints for downloading dynamic schemas and for using schemas
// in validation and data transformation functions.
service SchemaService {
// GetSchema allows the caller to download a schema for one or more requested
// types, RPC services, or RPC methods.
rpc GetSchema(GetSchemaRequest) returns (GetSchemaResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// ConvertMessage allows the caller to convert a given message data blob from
// one format to another by referring to a type schema for the blob.
rpc ConvertMessage(ConvertMessageRequest) returns (ConvertMessageResponse);
// TODO: move this to ConvertService and remove its existing, unused endpoint.
// TODO: batch or streaming endpoint, for more efficient conversion of many messages
message GetSchemaRequest {
// The owner of the repo that contains the schema to retrieve (a user name or
// organization name).
string owner = 1;
// The name of the repo that contains the schema to retrieve.
string repository = 2;
// Optional version of the repo. If unspecified, defaults to latest version on
// the repo's "main" branch.
string version = 3;
// Zero or more types names. The names may refer to messages, enums, services,
// methods, or extensions. All names must be fully-qualified. If any name
// is unknown, the request will fail and no schema will be returned.
// If no names are provided, the full schema for the module is returned.
// Otherwise, the resulting schema contains only the named elements and all of
// their dependencies. This is enough information for the caller to construct
// a dynamic message for any requested message types or to dynamically invoke
// an RPC for any requested methods or services.
repeated string types = 4;
// If present, this is a commit that the client already has cached. So if the
// given module version resolves to this same commit, the server should not
// send back any descriptors since the client already has them.
// This allows a client to efficiently poll for updates: after the initial RPC
// to get a schema, the client can cache the descriptors and the resolved
// commit. It then includes that commit in subsequent requests in this field,
// and the server will only reply with a schema (and new commit) if/when the
// resolved commit changes.
string if_not_commit = 5;
// If true, the returned schema will not include extension definitions for custom
// options that appear on schema elements. When filtering the schema based on the
// given element names, options on all encountered elements are usually examined
// as well. But that is not the case if excluding custom options.
// This flag is ignored if element_names is empty as the entire schema is always
// returned in that case.
bool exclude_custom_options = 6;
// If true, the returned schema will not include known extensions for extendable
// messages for schema elements. If exclude_custom_options is true, such extensions
// may still be returned if the applicable descriptor options type is part of the
// requested schema.
// This flag is ignored if element_names is empty as the entire schema is always
// returned in that case.
bool exclude_known_extensions = 7;
// TODO: consider providing a way for client to indicate what files the server
// can exclude, to reduce response size when caller already knows things
// (for example, usually no need to include google/protobuf/descriptor.proto)
message GetSchemaResponse {
// The resolved version of the schema. If the requested version was a commit,
// this value is the same as that. If the requested version referred to a tag
// or branch, this is the commit for that tag or latest commit for that
// branch. If the request did not include any version, this is the latest
// version for the module's main branch.
string commit = 1;
// The schema, which is a set of file descriptors that include the requested elements
// and their dependencies.
google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet schema_files = 2;
message ConvertMessageRequest {
// The owner of the repo that contains the schema to retrieve (a user name or
// organization name).
string owner = 1;
// The name of the repo that contains the schema to retrieve.
string repository = 2;
// Optional version of the repo. This can be a tag or branch name or a commit.
// If unspecified, defaults to latest version on the repo's "main" branch.
string version = 3;
// The fully-qualified name of the message. Required.
string message_name = 4;
// The format of the input data. Required.
Format input_format = 5;
// The input data that is to be converted. Required. This must be
// a valid encoding of type indicated by message_name in the format
// indicated by input_format.
bytes input_data = 6;
// If true, any unresolvable fields in the input are discarded. For
// formats other than FORMAT_BINARY, this means that the operation
// will fail if the input contains unrecognized field names. For
// FORMAT_BINARY, unrecognized fields can be retained and possibly
// included in the reformatted output (depending on the requested
// output format).
bool discard_unknown = 7;
oneof output_format {
BinaryOutputOptions output_binary = 8;
JSONOutputOptions output_json = 9;
TextOutputOptions output_text = 10;
enum Format {
message BinaryOutputOptions {}
message JSONOutputOptions {
// Enum fields will be emitted as numeric values. If false (the dafault), enum
// fields are emitted as strings that are the enum values' names.
bool use_enum_numbers = 3;
// Includes fields that have their default values. This applies only to fields
// defined in proto3 syntax that have no explicit "optional" keyword. Other
// optional fields will be included if present in the input data.
bool include_defaults = 4;
message TextOutputOptions {
// If true and the input data includes unrecognized fields, the unrecognized
// fields will be preserved in the text output (using field numbers and raw
// values).
bool include_unrecognized = 2;
message ConvertMessageResponse {
// The resolved version of the schema. If the requested version was a commit,
// this value is the same as that. If the requested version referred to a tag
// or branch, this is the commit for that tag or latest commit for that
// branch. If the request did not include any version, this is the latest
// version for the module's main branch.
string commit = 1;
// The reformatted data.
bytes output_data = 2;