blob: a6ad1b9bd3295295d66d373977755ea2e4d1b975 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
import "registry/v1alpha1/plugin_curation.proto";
import "registry/v1alpha1/repository.proto";
message Resource {
oneof resource {
Repository repository = 1;
CuratedPlugin plugin = 2;
// ResourceService manages resources.
service ResourceService {
// GetResourceByName takes a resource name and returns the
// resource either as a repository or a plugin.
rpc GetResourceByName(GetResourceByNameRequest) returns (GetResourceByNameResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
message GetResourceByNameRequest {
// Owner of the requested resource.
string owner = 1;
// Name of the requested resource.
string name = 2;
message GetResourceByNameResponse {
Resource resource = 1;