blob: bcb8803308b5d405aa5d121541ec5af262b2f2cd [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
import "module/v1alpha1/module.proto";
import "registry/v1alpha1/module.proto";
// ResolveService is the resolve service.
// This is the public service.
service ResolveService {
// GetModulePins finds all the latest digests and respective dependencies of
// the provided module references and picks a set of distinct modules pins.
// Note that module references with commits should still be passed to this function
// to make sure this function can do dependency resolution.
// This function also deals with tiebreaking what ModulePin wins for the same repository.
rpc GetModulePins(GetModulePinsRequest) returns (GetModulePinsResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// GetGoVersion resolves the given plugin and module references to a version.
rpc GetGoVersion(GetGoVersionRequest) returns (GetGoVersionResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// GetSwiftVersion resolves the given plugin and module references to a version.
rpc GetSwiftVersion(GetSwiftVersionRequest) returns (GetSwiftVersionResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// GetMavenVersion resolves the given plugin and module references to a version.
rpc GetMavenVersion(GetMavenVersionRequest) returns (GetMavenVersionResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// GetNPMVersion resolves the given plugin and module references to a version.
rpc GetNPMVersion(GetNPMVersionRequest) returns (GetNPMVersionResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
message GetModulePinsRequest {
repeated module_references = 1;
// current_module_pins allows for partial dependency updates by letting clients
// send a request with the pins for their current module and only the
// identities of the dependencies they want to update in module_references.
// When resolving, if a client supplied module pin is:
// - in the transitive closure of pins resolved from the module_references,
// the client supplied module pin will be an extra candidate for tie
// breaking.
// - NOT in the in the transitive closure of pins resolved from the
// module_references, it will be returned as is.
repeated current_module_pins = 2;
message GetModulePinsResponse {
repeated module_pins = 1;
// LocalResolveService is the local resolve service.
// This is called by ResolveService implementations, and is enterprise.
service LocalResolveService {
// GetLocalModulePins gets the latest pins for the specified local module references.
// It also includes all of the modules transitive dependencies for the specified references.
// We want this for two reasons:
// 1. It makes it easy to say "we know we're looking for owner/repo on this specific remote".
// While we could just do this in GetModulePins by being aware of what our remote is
// (something we probably still need to know, DNS problems aside, which are more
// theoretical), this helps.
// 2. Having a separate method makes us able to say "do not make decisions about what
// wins between competing pins for the same repo". This should only be done in
// GetModulePins, not in this function, i.e. only done at the top level.
rpc GetLocalModulePins(GetLocalModulePinsRequest) returns (GetLocalModulePinsResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
message GetLocalModulePinsRequest {
repeated local_module_references = 1;
enum ResolvedReferenceType {
reserved 2, 4;
message LocalModuleResolveResult {
// A copy of the reference that was resolved. reference = 1;
// The pin the reference resolved to. pin = 2;
// The type the reference resolved as.
ResolvedReferenceType resolved_reference_type = 3;
message GetLocalModulePinsResponse {
repeated LocalModuleResolveResult local_module_resolve_results = 1;
// dependencies are the dependencies of the LocalModulePins.
// This includes the transitive deps.
repeated dependencies = 2;
message GetGoVersionRequest {
// The plugin reference to resolve.
GetRemotePackageVersionPlugin plugin_reference = 1;
// The module reference to resolve.
LocalModuleReference module_reference = 2;
message GetGoVersionResponse {
// version is the resolved version to be used with the go module proxy.
string version = 1;
message GetMavenVersionRequest {
// The plugin reference to resolve.
GetRemotePackageVersionPlugin plugin_reference = 1;
// The module reference to resolve.
LocalModuleReference module_reference = 2;
message GetMavenVersionResponse {
// version is the resolved version to be used with the maven repository.
string version = 1;
message GetNPMVersionRequest {
// The plugin reference to resolve.
GetRemotePackageVersionPlugin plugin_reference = 1;
// The module reference to resolve.
LocalModuleReference module_reference = 2;
message GetNPMVersionResponse {
// version is the resolved version to be used with the npm registryv1alpha1.
string version = 1;
message GetSwiftVersionRequest {
// The plugin reference to resolve.
GetRemotePackageVersionPlugin plugin_reference = 1;
// The module reference to resolve.
LocalModuleReference module_reference = 2;
message GetSwiftVersionResponse {
// version is the resolved version to be used with the swift registryv1alpha1.
string version = 1;
// GetRemotePackageVersionPlugin is a plugin reference.
// If the version is empty, this is a reference to the latest version.
message GetRemotePackageVersionPlugin {
// The owner of the plugin.
// example: bufbuild
string owner = 1;
// The name of the plugin.
// example: connect-go
string name = 2;
// The version of the plugin.
// If empty, this is a reference to the latest version.
// example: v1.0.0
string version = 3;