blob: 40efae3e3fff2fe9a84b653980d0afe9c63ad07b [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
import "module/v1alpha1/module.proto";
import "registry/v1alpha1/module.proto";
// PushService is the Push service.
service PushService {
// Push pushes.
// NOTE: Newer clients should use PushManifestAndBlobs.
rpc Push(PushRequest) returns (PushResponse) {
option idempotency_level = IDEMPOTENT;
// PushManifestAndBlobs pushes a module by encoding it in a manifest and blobs format.
rpc PushManifestAndBlobs(PushManifestAndBlobsRequest) returns (PushManifestAndBlobsResponse) {
option idempotency_level = IDEMPOTENT;
// PushRequest specifies the module to push to the BSR.
message PushRequest {
string owner = 1;
string repository = 2;
string branch = 3 [deprecated = true]; module = 4;
// Optional; if provided, the provided tags
// are created for the pushed commit.
repeated string tags = 5;
// Optional; if provided, the pushed commit
// will be appended to these tracks. If the
// tracks do not exist, they will be created.
repeated string tracks = 6 [deprecated = true];
// If non-empty, the push creates a draft commit with this name.
string draft_name = 7;
// PushResponse is the pushed module pin, local to the used remote.
message PushResponse {
LocalModulePin local_module_pin = 5;
// PushManifestAndBlobsRequest holds the module to push in the manifest+blobs
// encoding format.
message PushManifestAndBlobsRequest {
string owner = 1;
string repository = 2;
// Manifest with all the module files being pushed. manifest = 3;
// Referenced blobs in the manifest. Keep in mind there is not necessarily one
// blob per file, but one blob per digest, so for files with exactly the same
// content, you can send just one blob.
repeated blobs = 4;
// Optional; if provided, the provided tags
// are created for the pushed commit.
repeated string tags = 5;
// If non-empty, the push creates a draft commit with this name.
string draft_name = 6;
// PushManifestAndBlobsResponse is the pushed module pin, local to the used
// remote.
message PushManifestAndBlobsResponse {
LocalModulePin local_module_pin = 1;