blob: bcf6c48a78d02f3b44a58c7d95753ed00412df40 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
import "image/v1/image.proto";
import "google/protobuf/compiler/plugin.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
// CuratedPluginVisibility defines the visibility options available
// for Curated Plugins.
enum CuratedPluginVisibility {
// The supported plugin registries for curated plugins.
enum PluginRegistryType {
// PluginLanguage is used to specify the output languages a plugin supports.
enum PluginLanguage {
// NPMImportStyle is used to specify the import style the plugin supports.
enum NPMImportStyle {
// SwiftPlatformType is used to specify the platform type for a Swift plugins minimum compatible version.
enum SwiftPlatformType {
// GoConfig is the configuration for a Go plugin.
message GoConfig {
// RuntimeLibrary describes the runtime library dependency of the generated code.
message RuntimeLibrary {
// The name of the runtime library module, i.e. "".
string module = 1;
// The version of the runtime library, i.e. "v1.27.1".
string version = 2;
// Optionally define the runtime libraries for the plugin.
repeated RuntimeLibrary runtime_libraries = 1;
// The minimum Go version required by the plugin.
string minimum_version = 2;
// NPMConfig is the configuration for a JavaScript NPM plugin.
message NPMConfig {
// RuntimeLibrary describes the runtime library dependency of the generated code.
message RuntimeLibrary {
// The name of the runtime library package, i.e. "@grpc/grpc-js".
string package = 1;
// The version of the runtime library, i.e. "^1.27.1".
string version = 2;
// Optionally define the runtime libraries for the plugin.
repeated RuntimeLibrary runtime_libraries = 1;
// Optionally define a configuration for rewriting import paths, a feature mainly
// used for remote code generation in the BSR npm registry, which makes it possible
// to serve the output of a BSR module and a plugin in an individual package.
// All plugins based on @bufbuild/protoplugin support the option "rewrite_imports".
// Setting this value, i.e. "connectweb.js" or "pb.js", informs the BSR npm registry
// that the plugin supports import rewrites with the given import suffix.
string rewrite_import_path_suffix = 2;
// The import style used for the "type" field in the package.json file.
// This exists to support legacy plugins that require "commonjs" support.
NPMImportStyle import_style = 3;
// MavenConfig is the configuration for a Maven plugin.
message MavenConfig {
// RuntimeLibrary describes a runtime dependency of the generated code.
message RuntimeLibrary {
string group_id = 1;
string artifact_id = 2;
string version = 3;
string classifier = 4;
string extension = 5;
// CompilerConfig contains configuration for the Java and/or Kotlin compiler used when compiling the generated code.
message CompilerConfig {
CompilerJavaConfig java = 1;
CompilerKotlinConfig kotlin = 2;
// CompilerJavaConfig contains settings for the Java compiler.
message CompilerJavaConfig {
// File encoding (default: UTF-8).
string encoding = 1;
// Release version (default: 8).
int32 release = 2;
// Source version (default: 8).
int32 source = 3;
// Target version (default: 8).
int32 target = 4;
// CompilerKotlinConfig contains settings for the Kotlin compiler.
message CompilerKotlinConfig {
// Version of the Kotlin compiler used to compile the generated code.
string version = 1;
// Version of the Kotlin API to target.
string api_version = 2;
// Target version of the JVM bytecode (default: 1.8).
string jvm_target = 3;
// Kotlin language version used for source compatibility.
string language_version = 4;
// RuntimeConfig allows configuring additional runtimes (like the 'lite' runtime).
// They can use different runtime dependencies and plugin options.
message RuntimeConfig {
string name = 1;
repeated RuntimeLibrary runtime_libraries = 2;
// The options to pass to the plugin. These will
// be merged into a single, comma-separated string.
repeated string options = 3;
// Optionally define the runtime libraries for the plugin.
repeated RuntimeLibrary runtime_libraries = 1;
// Settings for the Java/Kotlin compiler used to compile the generated code.
CompilerConfig compiler = 2;
// Optional additional runtimes supported by the plugin.
repeated RuntimeConfig additional_runtimes = 3;
message SwiftConfig {
// RuntimeLibrary describes a runtime library dependency of the generated code.
message RuntimeLibrary {
// The source of the runtime library package, e.g.
string source = 1;
// The name of the runtime library package, e.g. "swift-protobuf".
string package = 2;
// The version of the runtime library, e.g. "1.21.0".
string version = 3;
// The products exported by the runtime library, e.g. "SwiftProtobuf".
repeated string products = 4;
// The minimum compatible platform versions of the runtime library.
message Platform {
// The name of the platform.
SwiftPlatformType name = 1;
// The minimum compatible version of the platform.
string version = 2;
// The minimum compatible platform versions of the runtime library.
repeated Platform platforms = 5;
// The supported Swift language versions of the runtime library, e.g. ".v5".
repeated string swift_versions = 6;
// Optionally define the runtime libraries for the plugin.
repeated RuntimeLibrary runtime_libraries = 1;
// RegistryConfig is the configuration for the remote registry of a plugin.
message RegistryConfig {
oneof registry_config {
GoConfig go_config = 1;
NPMConfig npm_config = 2;
MavenConfig maven_config = 3;
SwiftConfig swift_config = 4;
// Reserved for future remote registry types.
reserved 5 to 9;
// The options to pass to the plugin. These will
// be merged into a single, comma-separated string.
repeated string options = 10;
message CuratedPluginReference {
// The owner of the plugin, i.e. "library".
string owner = 1;
// The name of the plugin, i.e. "connect-go".
string name = 2;
// Semver-formatted plugin version.
string version = 3;
// The revision for this plugin version.
uint32 revision = 4;
// CuratedPlugin represents a protoc plugin curated by Buf, such as protoc-gen-go.
message CuratedPlugin {
// The ID of the plugin, which uniquely identifies the plugin.
string id = 1;
// The owner of the plugin, i.e. "library".
string owner = 2;
// The name of the plugin, i.e. "connect-go".
string name = 3;
// The optional registry type of the plugin.
PluginRegistryType registry_type = 4;
// Semver-formatted plugin version.
string version = 5;
// The full container image digest associated with this plugin version including
// the algorithm.
// Ref:
string container_image_digest = 6;
// The creation time of the plugin.
google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 8;
// List of plugin dependencies.
repeated CuratedPluginReference dependencies = 9;
// Optionally specify the URL leading to the source code of the plugin, if available.
string source_url = 10;
// Optionally specify a brief description of the plugin functionality.
string description = 11;
// The configuration for the remote registry of the plugin.
RegistryConfig registry_config = 12;
// The revision for this plugin version.
uint32 revision = 13;
// The output languages supported by the plugin.
repeated PluginLanguage output_languages = 14;
// spdx_license_id is the license of the plugin, which should be one of the identifiers
// defined in
string spdx_license_id = 15;
// license_url specifies an optional URL for the plugin's license (if not using a standard spdx_license_id).
string license_url = 16;
// verified indicates the plugin has been verified. Verification is a property
// of the BSR and cannot be set by end-users.
bool verified = 17;
// Visibility indicates whether the plugin is public or private.
CuratedPluginVisibility visibility = 18;
// Deprecated indicates whether the plugin is deprecated.
bool deprecated = 19;
// Optionally specify a message to be displayed when the plugin is deprecated.
string deprecation_message = 20;
// PluginCurationService manages curated plugins.
service PluginCurationService {
// ListCuratedPlugins returns all the curated plugins available.
rpc ListCuratedPlugins(ListCuratedPluginsRequest) returns (ListCuratedPluginsResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// CreateCuratedPlugin creates a new curated plugin.
rpc CreateCuratedPlugin(CreateCuratedPluginRequest) returns (CreateCuratedPluginResponse) {
option idempotency_level = IDEMPOTENT;
// GetLatestCuratedPlugin returns the latest version of a plugin matching given parameters.
rpc GetLatestCuratedPlugin(GetLatestCuratedPluginRequest) returns (GetLatestCuratedPluginResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// DeleteCuratedPlugin deletes a curated plugin based on the given parameters.
rpc DeleteCuratedPlugin(DeleteCuratedPluginRequest) returns (DeleteCuratedPluginResponse) {
option idempotency_level = IDEMPOTENT;
// CodeGenerationService generates code using remote plugins.
service CodeGenerationService {
// GenerateCode generates code using the specified remote plugins.
rpc GenerateCode(GenerateCodeRequest) returns (GenerateCodeResponse);
message GenerateCodeRequest {
// The image to run plugins against to generate the desired file outputs.
// All image files that are not imports and not well-known types will be generated.
// If you want to filter what files are generated, modify the image.
// If you want to include imports, set include_imports. image = 1;
repeated PluginGenerationRequest requests = 2;
// Include imports from the Image in generation. If include_imports is also set
// in one of requests, use the request's value for that plugin.
bool include_imports = 3;
// Include Well-Known Types from the Image in generation.
// include_imports must be set if include_well_known_types is set. If include_well_known_types
// is also set in one of requests, use the request's value for that plugin.
bool include_well_known_types = 4;
message GenerateCodeResponse {
// Responses from each plugin execution.
// The order of each response matches the order in the GenerateCodeRequest.
repeated PluginGenerationResponse responses = 1;
// Request for performing code generation using the specified plugin.
message PluginGenerationRequest {
// The plugin to execute.
CuratedPluginReference plugin_reference = 1;
// The options to pass to the plugin. These will
// be merged into a single, comma-separated string.
repeated string options = 2;
// Include imports from the Image in generation.
optional bool include_imports = 3;
// Include Well-Known Types from the Image in generation.
// include_imports must be set if include_well_known_types is set.
optional bool include_well_known_types = 4;
// Response from code generation for a given plugin.
message PluginGenerationResponse {
// Generated code from the plugin.
google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse response = 1;
message DeleteCuratedPluginRequest {
// The owner of the plugin to delete.
string owner = 1;
// The name of the plugin to delete.
string name = 2;
// Version is the plugin version and is optional. If this field is not set then delete all versions,
// otherwise delete only the specified version which includes all revisions.
string version = 3;
message DeleteCuratedPluginResponse {}
message CreateCuratedPluginRequest {
// The owner of the plugin, i.e. "library".
string owner = 1;
// The name of the plugin, i.e. "connect-go".
string name = 2;
// The optional registry type of the plugin.
PluginRegistryType registry_type = 3;
// Semver-formatted plugin version.
string version = 4;
// Image Name and Image Digest define a unique plugin image
// Image Digest is like sha256:febcf61cd6e1ac9628f6ac14fa40836d16f3c6ddef3b303ff0321606e55ddd0b
string image_digest = 5;
// List of plugin dependencies.
repeated CuratedPluginReference dependencies = 7;
// The URL leading to the source code of the plugin, if available.
string source_url = 8;
// A brief description of the plugin functionality.
string description = 9;
// The configuration for the remote registry of the plugin.
RegistryConfig registry_config = 12;
// The revision for this plugin version.
uint32 revision = 13;
// The output languages supported by the plugin.
repeated PluginLanguage output_languages = 14;
// spdx_license_id is the license of the plugin, which should be one of the identifiers
// defined in
string spdx_license_id = 15;
// license_url specifies an optional URL for the plugin's license (if not using a standard spdx_license_id).
string license_url = 16;
// Visibility indicates whether the plugin is public or private.
CuratedPluginVisibility visibility = 17;
// Image Name and Image Digest define a unique plugin image
string image_name = 18;
// Docker Repo Name is define to access user's docker hub
string docker_repo_name = 19;
message CreateCuratedPluginResponse {
// The created plugin.
CuratedPlugin configuration = 1;
message ListCuratedPluginsRequest {
uint32 page_size = 1;
// The first page is returned if this is empty.
string page_token = 2;
bool reverse = 3;
// If true, will only return plugins which support remote packages (registry_type is set).
bool supports_remote_packages = 4;
// If true, will include deprecated plugins.
bool include_deprecated = 5;
message ListCuratedPluginsResponse {
repeated CuratedPlugin plugins = 1;
// There are no more pages if this is empty.
string next_page_token = 2;
message GetLatestCuratedPluginRequest {
// The owner of the plugin, i.e. "library".
string owner = 1;
// The name of the plugin, i.e. "connect-go".
string name = 2;
// Both version (semver-formatted) and revision are optional, which means
// return the latest plugin.
// If version is set, but revision is omitted, then return the latest
// revision for that version.
// If version and revision are both set, return specific plugin.
// It is an error to set a revision without a corresponding version.
string version = 3;
uint32 revision = 4;
// If true, will only return versions (and revisions) which support remote packages (registry_type is set).
bool supports_remote_packages = 5;
message GetLatestCuratedPluginResponse {
CuratedPlugin plugin = 1;
// versions is a semver-sorted list in descending order.
repeated CuratedPluginVersionRevisions versions = 2;
message CuratedPluginVersionRevisions {
string version = 1;
// revisions is a sorted list in descending order.
repeated uint32 revisions = 2;