blob: cb7b8b960a5ae335ebad7c02b642593363be4e26 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
import "image/v1/image.proto";
// ImageService serves compiled images.
service ImageService {
// GetImage serves a compiled image for the local module. It automatically
// downloads dependencies if necessary.
rpc GetImage(GetImageRequest) returns (GetImageResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// ImageMask is used in GetImageRequest to specify which parts of an image
// should be masked in responses.
enum ImageMask {
// IMAGE_MASK_MESSAGES refers to ImageFile's `google.protobuf.DescriptorProto
// message_type` field.
// IMAGE_MASK_ENUMS refers to ImageFile's `google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto
// enum_type` field.
// IMAGE_MASK_SERVICES refers to ImageFile's
// `google.protobuf.ServiceDescriptorProto service` field.
message GetImageRequest {
string owner = 1;
string repository = 2;
string reference = 3;
// Exclude files from imported buf modules in this image.
bool exclude_imports = 4;
// Exclude source_code_info fields from each ImageFile.
bool exclude_source_info = 5;
// When specified the returned image will only contain the necessary files and
// descriptors in those files to describe these types. Accepts messages, enums
// and services. All types must be defined in the buf module, types in
// dependencies are not accepted.
// At this time specifying `types` requires `exclude_source_info` to be set to
// true.
repeated string types = 6;
// When not empty, the returned image's files will only include
// *DescriptorProto fields for the elements specified here. The masks are
// applied without regard for dependencies between types. For example, if
// `IMAGE_MASK_MESSAGES` is specified without `IMAGE_MASK_ENUMS` the resulting
// image will NOT contain enum definitions even if they are referenced from
// message fields.
repeated ImageMask include_mask = 7;
message GetImageResponse { image = 1;