dubboctl dashboard prometheus

create PortForward between local address and target component prometheus pod. open browser by default


create PortForward between local address and target component prometheus pod. open browser by default

Typical use cases are:

dubboctl dashboard prometheus
--port-pSet the port for local monitoring connections. If not set, the default is the same as the prometheus dashboard, 3000dubboctl dashboard nacos -p 8848No
--host-hSet the local host to listen for connections. If not set, the default is dashboard nacos -h xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxNo
--openBrowserSet whether to automatically open the browser and open the dashboard, the default is truedubboctl dashboard nacos --openBrowser falseNo
--namespacenSet the namespace where prometheus is located. If not set, the default is dubbo-system.dubboctl dashboard nacos -n ns_user_specifiedNo
--kubeConfigThe path to store kubeconfigdubboctl dashboard nacos --kubeConfig path/to/kubeConfigNo
--contextSpecify to use the context in kubeconfigdubboctl dashboard nacos --context contextValNo


  • dubboctl dashboard - Commands help user to open control plane components dashboards directly.