Quick start

Install components

Follow the components required by the dubbo project, such as admin and zookeeper.

dubboctl manifest install

Initialize dubbo project

dubboctl create -l java

Initialize a java project in the current directory using the default template provided by dubboctl. Please make sure the current directory is an empty directory.

When writing your business logic, please note that the address of your configuration file needs to be filled in correctly, such as the address of zookeeper, and when deploying below, the containerPort needs to be consistent with the port exposed by your application to allow the program to run normally.

Deploy to k8s

dubboctl deploy --containerPort 20000 --push --image docker.io/testuser/testdubbo:latest --apply

If you do not plan to deploy the application to k8s, please use the build command to build the image and replace the third step with

dubboctl build --push --image docker.io/testuser/testdubbo:latest