
When you use dubboctl to install the required components, we will dynamically adjust the yaml file generated during the deploy phase based on the components you installed. Specifically reflected in zookeeper, nacos and Prometheus. After you install zookeeper, we will add information similar to this to the generated yaml file:

           - name: zookeeper.address
             value: zookeeper.dubbo-system.svc
           - name: ZOOKEEPER_ADDRESS
             value: zookeeper.dubbo-system.svc

With these, you can use placeholders to read environment variables in your application to read the address of zookeeper without having to fill it in manually, for example:

    logger: slf4j
    name: DemoApplication
    address: zookeeper://${zookeeper.address:}:2181
    name: tri
    port: 50051

The same goes for nacos.

For Prometheus, we will automatically generate a default list for Prometheus, which you can modify as needed.


If you installed related components in the dubbo-system namespace. Then the exact same components are installed in the dev namespace, then we will give priority to using the addresses of related middleware in the dev namespace, and everything will be in chronological order. Unless you specify it in an environment variable:

export DUBBO_DEPLOY_NS=dubbo-system