

Vue3 Vite TypeScript Ant Design Vue AntV|echarts lodash i18n colorful theme


This project is the front-end of dubbo-kube.

  1. home
  2. services
  3. traffic
  4. test tools
  5. metrics
  6. kubernetes


# add vite vue project
# https://vuejs.org/guide/scaling-up/tooling.html
# Vue CLI is the official webpack-based toolchain for Vue. 
# It is now in maintenance mode and we recommend starting new projects with Vite unless you rely on specific webpack-only features. 
# Vite will provide superior developer experience in most cases.

# note your env version
# node v18.0.0
# yarn 1.22.21

npm create vue@latest


yarn format

# run it
yarn dev

# main com
yarn add ant-design-vue@4.x


  1. todo

if a function is not complete but show the entry in your page, please use notification.todo to mark it

 * this function is showing some tips about our Q&A
function globalQuestion() {
  devTool.todo("show Q&A tips")
  1. global css var

    // if you want use the global css var, such as primary color
    // create a reactive reference to a var by 'ref'
    export const PRIMARY_COLOR = ref('#17b392')
    // In js
    import {PRIMARY_COLOR} from '@/base/constants'
    // In CSS, use __null for explicit reference to prevent being cleared by code formatting.
    let __null = PRIMARY_COLOR
  2. provide and inject

    must define in ui-vue3/src/base/enums/ProvideInject.ts

  3. icon: https://icones.js.org/

    <Icon icon="svg-spinners:pulse-ring" />
  4. api

    Agreement: if your api's path starts with mock, you will get a mock result

    1. Declear api

      import request from '@/base/http/request' export const getClusterInfo = (params: any):Promise<any> => { return request({ url: '/metrics/cluster', method: 'get', params }) }
    2. Declear mock api

      // define a mock api
      import Mock from 'mockjs'
      Mock.mock('/mock/metrics/cluster', 'get', {
          code: 200,
          message: '成功',
          data: {
              all: Mock.mock('@integer(100, 500)'),
              application: Mock.mock('@integer(80, 200)'),
              consumers: Mock.mock('@integer(80, 200)'),
              providers: Mock.mock('@integer(80, 200)'),
              services: Mock.mock('@integer(80, 200)'),
              versions: ["dubbo-golang-3.0.4"],
              protocols: ["tri"],
              rules: [],
              configCenter: "",
              registry: "",
              metadataCenter: "",
              grafana: "",
              prometheus: ""
      // import in main.ts
      import './api/mock/mockCluster.js'
    3. invoke api

      onMounted(async () => { let {data} = await getClusterInfo({}) })
    4. decide where the request is to go : request.ts

      // request.ts
      const service: AxiosInstance = axios.create({
          //  change this to decide where to go
          baseURL: '/mock',
          timeout: 30 * 1000


  1. In html template

  2. In ts

    if you want to make your var to i18n, make sure your var is a computed

    let label = 'foo'
    let labelWithI18n = computed(() => globalProperties.$t(label))


  1. Define a router

    // router/defaultRoutes
      path: '/home',
      name: 'homePage',
      component: () => import('../views/home/index.vue'),
      meta: {
        icon: 'carbon:web-services-cluster'
  2. Config route meta

    // you can config your route with this struct
    export interface RouterMeta extends RouteMeta {
      icon?: string
      hidden?: boolean
      skip?: boolean
    // icon:  Show as your menu prefix
    // hidden:  Do not show as a menu include its children routes
    // skip: Do not show this route as a menu, but display its child routes.
  3. Config a tab route

    Note: /tab is a middle layer for left-menu-item: must use LayoutTab as component; meta.tab must be true

        path: '/tab',
        name: 'tabDemo',
        component: LayoutTab,
        redirect: 'index',
        meta: {
            tab_parent: true
        children: [
                path: '/index',
                name: 'applications_index',
                component: () => import('../views/resources/applications/index.vue'),
                meta: {
                    // hidden: true,
                path: '/tab1',
                name: 'tab1',
                component: () => import('../views/common/tab_demo/tab1.vue'),
                meta: {
                    icon: 'simple-icons:podman',
                    tab: true,