dubboctl manifest install

Install the required components directly to the k8s cluster.


Install the required components directly to the k8s cluster. Typical use cases are:

dubboctl manifset install
--filenames-fSpecify one or more user-defined DubboConfig yaml paths, and overlay them in order from left to right when parsing.dubboctl manifest install -f path/to/file0.yaml, path/to/file1.yamlNo
--chartsThe directory where Helm Charts are stored. If the user does not specify it, /deploy/charts is used by default.dubboctl manifest install --charts path/to/chartsNo
--profilesThe directory where profiles are stored. If the user does not specify it, /deploy/profiles is used by default.dubboctl manifest install --profiles path/to/profilesNo
--set-sSet one or more key-value pairs in DubboConfig yaml. The priority is set flags > profile > user-defined DubboOperator yaml. It is recommended not to use set in production.dubboctl manifest install --set components.admin.replicas=2,components.admin.rbac.enabled=false
--ku beConfigThe path to store kubeconfigdubboctl manifest install --kubeConfig path/to/kubeConfigNo
--contextSpecify to use the context in kubeconfigdubboctl manifest install --context contextValNo