dubboctl deploy

Deploy an application


dubboctl deploy [flags]

-a, --apply Whether to apply the application to the k8s cluster by the way
-b, --builder-image string Specify a custom builder image for use by the builder other than its default.
--containerPort int The port of the deployment to listen on pod (required)
-e, --envs stringArray Environment variable to set in the form NAME=VALUE. This is for the environment variables passed
in by the builderpack build method.
-f, --force Whether to force push
-h, --help help for deploy
-i, --image string Container image( [registry]/[namespace]/[name]:[tag] )
--imagePullPolicy string The image pull policy of the deployment, default to IfNotPresent
--limitCpu int The limit cpu to deploy (default 1000)
--limitMem int The limit memory to deploy (default 1024)
--maxReplicas int The max replicas to deploy (default 10)
--minReplicas int The min replicas to deploy (default 3)
--name string The name of deployment (required)
-n, --namespace string Deploy into a specific namespace (default "dubbo-system")
--nobuild Skip the step of building the image.
--nodePort int The nodePort of the deployment to expose
-o, --output string output kubernetes manifest (default "kube.yaml")
-p, --path string Path to the application. Default is current directory ($DUBBO_PATH)
--push Whether to push the image to the registry center by the way
--replicas int The number of replicas to deploy (default 3)
--requestCpu int The request cpu to deploy (default 500)
--requestMem int The request memory to deploy (default 512)
--revisions int The number of replicas to deploy (default 5)
--secret string The secret to image pull from registry
--serviceAccount string TheServiceAccount for the deployment
--targetPort int The targetPort of the deployment, default to port
-d, --useDockerfile Use the dockerfile with the specified path to build


  • dubboctl - Management tool for dubbo-kubernetes