



deployTypeDefine the deployment mode for Admin.Deployment
namespaceOverrideNameSpace Override for Admin.~
labelsLabels for Admin.~
annotationsAnnotations for Admin.~
nodeSelectorNode Scheduling for Admin.~
imagePullSecretsImage Pull Credentials for Admin.~
clusterDomainCluster Domain Suffix for Admin.cluster.local
replicasReplica Deployment Count for Admin.1
image.registryImage Name for
image.tagVersion Tag for Admin.latest
image.pullPolicyPull Policy for Admin.IfNotPresent
rbac.enabledRole-Based Access Control Status for Admin.true
rbac.labelsRole-Based Access Control Labels Definition for Admin.~
rbac.annotationsRole-Based Access Control Annotations Definition for Admin.~
serviceAccount.enabledService Accounts Status for Admin.true
serviceAccount.labelsService Accounts Labels Definition for Admin.~
serviceAccount.annotationsService Accounts Annotations Definition for Admin.~
volumeMountsInternal Mount Directory for Admin.~
volumesExternal Mount Directory for Admin.~
configMapConfigMap Mount Configuration for Admin.~
secretSecret Mount Configuration for Admin.~
strategy.typePolicy Type for Admin.RollingUpdate
strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurgeAdmin Update Strategy Expected Replicas.%
strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailableAdmin Update Strategy Maximum Unavailable Replicas.1
updateStrategy.typeUpdate Policy Type for Admin.RollingUpdate
updateStrategy.rollingUpdateRolling Update Strategy for Admin.~
minReadySecondsSeconds to Wait Before Admin Readiness.0
revisionHistoryLimitNumber of Revision Versions Saved in History for Admin.10
terminationGracePeriodSecondsGraceful Termination Seconds for Admin Hooks.30
startupProbe.initialDelaySecondsInitialization Wait Time in Seconds After Admin Container Starts.60
startupProbe.timeoutSecondsResponse Timeout Duration in Seconds After Admin Container Starts.30
startupProbe.periodSecondsThe Admin container periodically checks availability.10
startupProbe.successThresholdThe success threshold for the Admin container.1
startupProbe.httpGet.pathChecking the container with an HTTP GET request to a target path./
startupProbe.httpGet.portChecking the container with an HTTP GET request to a target port.8080
readinessProbe.initialDelaySecondsInitialization Wait Time in Seconds After Admin Container Starts.60
readinessProbe.timeoutSecondsResponse Timeout Duration in Seconds After Admin Container Starts.30
readinessProbe.periodSecondsThe Admin container periodically checks availability.10
readinessProbe.successThresholdThe success threshold for the Admin container.1
readinessProbe.httpGet.pathChecking the container with an HTTP GET request to a target path./
readinessProbe.httpGet.portChecking the container with an HTTP GET request to a target port.8080
livenessProbe.initialDelaySecondsInitialization Wait Time in Seconds After Admin Container Starts.60
livenessProbe.timeoutSecondsResponse Timeout Duration in Seconds After Admin Container Starts.30
livenessProbe.periodSecondsThe Admin container periodically checks availability.10
livenessProbe.successThresholdThe success threshold for the Admin container.1
livenessProbe.httpGet.pathChecking the container with an HTTP GET request to a target path./
livenessProbe.httpGet.portChecking the container with an HTTP GET request to a target port.8080
lifecycleHooksGraceful hooks for the Admin.~
service.enabledService Status for Admin.true
service.labelsService Label Definition for Admin.~
service.annotationsService Annotations Definition for Admin.~
service.typeDefine the service type for the Admin.ClusterIP
service.clusterIPDefine the service cluster IP for the Admin.~
service.externalIPsDefine the service external IP for the Admin.~
service.loadBalancerIPDefine the service loadBalancer IP for the Admin.~
service.loadBalancerSourceRangesDefine the service loadBalancer Source Ranges for the Admin.~
service.loadBalancerClassDefine the service loadBalancer Class for the Admin.~
service.sessionAffinityDefine the session affinity strategy for the Admin service.None
service.publishNotReadyAddressesDefine the publication of not-ready Admin service addresses to other components.true
service.protocolService Protocol Definition for Admin.TCP
resources.limits.cpuMaximum Limit on CPU Resources for Admin.128
resources.limits.memoryMaximum Limit on Memory Resources for Admin.128
resources.requests.cpuMaximum Request on CPU Resources for Admin.128
resources.requests.memoryMaximum Request on Memory Resources for Admin.128
tolerationstoleration's Definition for Admin.~
persistence.enabledPersistence Status for Admin.false
persistence.labelsPersistence Labels Definition for Admin.~
persistence.annotationsPersistence Annotations Definition for Admin.~
persistence.claimNamePersistence claim name Definition for Admin.""
persistence.storageclassPersistence storage class Definition for Admin.""
persistence.sizePersistence size Definition for Admin.1Gi
persistence.accessModesPersistence accessModes Definition for Admin.ReadWriteOnce
securityContext.runAsNonRootWhether the security context for Admin runs as a non-privileged user.false
securityContext.runAsUserNon-privileged user identifier for Admin security context.1000
securityContext.runAsGroupNon-privileged group identity identifier for Admin security context.1000
securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystemWhether the root file system is read-only in the Admin security context.true
securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalationWhether the Admin security context allows privilege escalation.false
podDisruptionBudget.enabledPodDisruptionBudget Status for Admin.false
podDisruptionBudget.labelspodDisruptionBudget Labels Definition for Admin.~
podDisruptionBudget.annotationspodDisruptionBudget Annotations Definition for Admin.~
podDisruptionBudget.minAvailablepodDisruptionBudget min Available Definition for Admin.1
podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailablepodDisruptionBudget max Unavailable Definition for Admin.1
podDisruptionBudget.unhealthyPodEvictionPolicypodDisruptionBudget Unhealthy Pod Eviction Policy Definition for Admin.IfHealthyBudget
podSecurityPolicy.enabledPod Security Policy Status for Admin.false
podSecurityPolicy.labelsPod Security Policy Labels Definition for Admin.~
podSecurityPolicy.annotationsPod Security Policy Annotations Definition for Admin.~
networkPolicy.enabledNetworkPolicy Status for Admin.false
networkPolicy.labelsNetwork Policy Labels Definition for Admin.~
networkPolicy.annotationsNetwork Policy Annotations Definition for Admin.~
networkPolicy.podSelectorNetwork Policy Pod Selector Definition for Admin.~
networkPolicy.ingressNetwork Policy Ingress Definition for Admin.~
networkPolicy.egressNetwork Policy Egress Definition for Admin.~
auth.enabledAuth Status for Admin Control Plane.true
auth.authorization.actionDefine the Authorization Action for Admin Control Plane.DENY
auth.authorization.matchTypeDefine the Authorization MatchType for Admin Control Plane.anyMatch
auth.authorization.samplesDefine the rule sampling rate for Authorization the Admin Control Plane.0
auth.authentication.actionDefine the Authentication Action for Admin Control Plane.STRICT
auth.authentication.portDefine the port number for applying the Authentication Policy for the Admin Control Plane.8080
traffic.enabledTraffic Status for Admin Control Plane.true
traffic.conditionRoute.scopeSupports service and application scope rules.service
traffic.conditionRoute.enabledWhether enable this rule or not, set enabled:false to disable this ruletrue
traffic.conditionRoute.forceThe behaviour when the instance subset is empty after routing.true
traffic.conditionRoute.runtimeWhether run routing rule for every rpc invocation or use routing cache if available.true
traffic.conditionRoute.prioritySpecify the specific priority for traffic.100
traffic.conditionRoute.configVersionThe version of the condition rule definition, currently available version is v3.0.v3.0
traffic.conditionRoute.keyThe identifier of the target service or application that this rule is about to apply
traffic.conditionRoute.conditionsThe condition routing rule definition of this configuration. Check Condition for details.method=getComment => region=Hangzhou
traffic.dynamicConfig.scopeSupports service and application scope rules.service
traffic.dynamicConfig.configVersionThe version of the tag rule definition, currently available version is v3.0.v3.0
traffic.dynamicConfig.keyThe identifier of the target service or application that this rule is about to apply
traffic.dynamicConfig.sideEspecially useful when scope:service is set.consumer
traffic.dynamicConfig.exactThe application matching condition for this config rule to take
traffic.tagRoute.nameThe name of the tag used to match the dubbo tag value in the request context.gray
traffic.tagRoute.enabledWhether enable this rule or not, set enabled:false to disable this rule.false
traffic.tagRoute.forceThe behaviour when the instance subset is empty after routing.true
traffic.tagRoute.configVersionThe version of the tag rule definition, currently available version is v3.0.v3.0
traffic.tagRoute.prioritySpecify the specific priority for traffic.99
traffic.tagRoute.keyThe identifier of the target application that this rule is about to control.details


zookeeper.enabledZooKeeper Status for Admin.true
zookeeper.namespaceOverrideNameSpace Override for ZooKeeper.~
zookeeper.labelsLabels for ZooKeeper.~
zookeeper.annotationsAnnotations for ZooKeeper.~
zookeeper.clusterDomainCluster Domain Suffix for ZooKeeper.cluster.local
zookeeper.replicasReplica Deployment Count for ZooKeeper.1
zookeeper.image.registryImage Name for
zookeeper.image.tagVersion Tag for ZooKeeper.latest
zookeeper.image.pullPolicyPull Policy for ZooKeeper.IfNotPresent
zookeeper.securityContext.enabledsecurity context Status for ZooKeeper.true
zookeeper.securityContext.fsGroupNon-privileged group identity identifier for Zookeeper security context.1001
zookeeper.containerSecurityContext.enabledcontainer security context Status for ZooKeeper.true
zookeeper.containerSecurityContext.runAsUserNon-privileged user identifier for ZooKeeper container security context.1001
zookeeper.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRootWhether the container security context for ZooKeeper runs as a non-privileged user.true
zookeeper.containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalationThe state of privilege escalation in the Zookeeper container security context.false
zookeeper.service.typeDefine the service type for the ZooKeeper.ClusterIP
zookeeper.service.clusterIPDefine the service cluster IP for the ZooKeeper.~
zookeeper.service.externalIPsDefine the service external IP for the ZooKeeper.~
zookeeper.service.loadBalancerIPDefine the service loadBalancer IP for the ZooKeeper.~
zookeeper.service.loadBalancerSourceRangesDefine the service loadBalancer Source Ranges for the ZooKeeper.~
zookeeper.service.loadBalancerClassDefine the service loadBalancer Class for the ZooKeeper.~
zookeeper.service.sessionAffinityDefine the session affinity strategy for the ZooKeeper service.None
zookeeper.service.publishNotReadyAddressesDefine the publication of not-ready ZooKeeper service addresses to other components.true
zookeeper.resources.limits.cpuMaximum Limit on CPU Resources for ZooKeeper.128
zookeeper.resources.limits.memoryMaximum Limit on Memory Resources for ZooKeeper.128
zookeeper.resources.requests.cpuMaximum Request on CPU Resources for ZooKeeper.128
zookeeper.resources.requests.memoryMaximum Request on Memory Resources for ZooKeeper.128
zookeeper.startupProbe.failureThresholdThe allowed number of failures for the ZooKeeper container.6
zookeeper.startupProbe.initialDelaySecondsInitialization Wait Time in Seconds After ZooKeeper Container Starts.30
zookeeper.startupProbe.periodSecondsThe ZooKeeper container periodically checks availability.10
zookeeper.startupProbe.successThresholdThe success threshold for the ZooKeeper container.1
zookeeper.startupProbe.timeoutSecondsResponse Timeout Duration in Seconds After ZooKeeper Container Starts.5
zookeeper.startupProbe.exec.commandDefine the health check command for the ZooKeeper container.~
zookeeper.readinessProbe.failureThresholdThe allowed number of failures for the ZooKeeper container.6
zookeeper.readinessProbe.initialDelaySecondsInitialization Wait Time in Seconds After ZooKeeper Container Starts.30
zookeeper.readinessProbe.periodSecondsThe ZooKeeper container periodically checks availability.10
zookeeper.readinessProbe.successThresholdThe success threshold for the ZooKeeper container.1
zookeeper.readinessProbe.timeoutSecondsResponse Timeout Duration in Seconds After ZooKeeper Container Starts.5
zookeeper.readinessProbe.exec.commandDefine the health check command for the ZooKeeper container.~
zookeeper.livenessProbe.failureThresholdThe allowed number of failures for the ZooKeeper container.6
zookeeper.livenessProbe.initialDelaySecondsInitialization Wait Time in Seconds After ZooKeeper Container Starts.30
zookeeper.livenessProbe.periodSecondsThe ZooKeeper container periodically checks availability.10
zookeeper.livenessProbe.successThresholdThe success threshold for the ZooKeeper container.1
zookeeper.livenessProbe.timeoutSecondsResponse Timeout Duration in Seconds After ZooKeeper Container Starts.5
zookeeper.livenessProbe.exec.commandDefine the health check command for the ZooKeeper container.~
zookeeper.dataLogDirDedicated data log directory.""
zookeeper.tickTimeBasic time unit (in milliseconds) used by ZooKeeper for heartbeats.2000
zookeeper.initLimitZooKeeper uses to limit the length of time the ZooKeeper servers in quorum have to connect to a leader.10
zookeeper.syncLimitHow far out of date a server can be from a leader.5
zookeeper.preAllocSizeBlock size for transaction log file.65536
zookeeper.snapCountThe number of transactions recorded in the transaction log before a snapshot can be taken (and the transaction log rolled).100000
zookeeper.fourlwCommandsWhitelistA list of comma separated Four Letter Words commands that can be executed.srvr, mntr, ruok
zookeeper.listenOnAllIPsAllow ZooKeeper to listen for connections from its peers on all available IP addresses.false
zookeeper.autopurge.snapRetainCountThe most recent snapshots amount (and corresponding transaction logs) to retain.3
zookeeper.autopurge.purgeIntervalThe time interval (in hours) for which the purge task has to be triggered.0
zookeeper.maxClientCnxnsLimits the number of concurrent connections that a single client may make to a single member of the ZooKeeper ensemble.60
zookeeper.maxSessionTimeoutMaximum session timeout (in milliseconds) that the server will allow the client to negotiate.40000
zookeeper.heapSizeSize (in MB) for the Java Heap options (Xmx and Xms).1024
zookeeper.logLevelLog level for the ZooKeeper server. ERROR by default.ERROR
zookeeper.auth.client.enabledEnable ZooKeeper client-server authentication. It uses SASL/Digest-MD5.false
zookeeper.auth.client.clientUserUser that will use ZooKeeper clients to auth.""
zookeeper.auth.client.clientPasswordPassword that will use ZooKeeper clients to auth.""
zookeeper.auth.client.serverUsersComma, semicolon or whitespace separated list of user to be created.""
zookeeper.auth.client.serverPasswordsComma, semicolon or whitespace separated list of passwords to assign to users when created.""
zookeeper.auth.client.existingSecretUse existing secret (ignores previous passwords).""
zookeeper.auth.quorum.enabledEnable ZooKeeper server-server authentication. It uses SASL/Digest-MD5.false
zookeeper.auth.quorum.learnerUserUser that the ZooKeeper quorumLearner will use to authenticate to quorumServers.""
zookeeper.auth.quorum.learnerPasswordPassword that the ZooKeeper quorumLearner will use to authenticate to quorumServers.""
zookeeper.auth.quorum.serverUsersComma, semicolon or whitespace separated list of users for the quorumServers.""
zookeeper.auth.quorum.serverPasswordsComma, semicolon or whitespace separated list of passwords to assign to users when created.""
zookeeper.auth.quorum.existingSecretUse existing secret (ignores previous passwords).""


nacos.enabledNacos Status for Admin.false
nacos.modeRun Mode standalone or cluster.standalone
nacos.namespaceOverrideNameSpace Override for Nacos.~
nacos.labelsLabels for Nacos.~
nacos.annotationsAnnotations for Nacos.~
nacos.clusterDomainCluster Domain Suffix for Nacos.cluster.local
nacos.replicasReplica Deployment Count for Nacos.1
nacos.plugin.enabledPlugin Status for Nacos.true
nacos.plugin.image.registryPlugin Image Name for Nacos.nacos/nacos-peer-finder-plugin
nacos.plugin.image.tagPlugin Version Tag for Nacos.1.1
nacos.plugin.image.pullPolicyPlugin Pull Policy for Nacos.IfNotPresent
nacos.image.registryImage Name for
nacos.image.tagVersion Tag for Nacos.latest
nacos.image.pullPolicyPull Policy for Nacos.IfNotPresent
nacos.securityContext.enabledsecurity context Status for Nacos.true
nacos.securityContext.fsGroupNon-privileged group identity identifier for Nacos security context.1001
nacos.containerSecurityContext.enabledcontainer security context Status for Nacos.true
nacos.containerSecurityContext.runAsUserNon-privileged user identifier for Nacos container security context.1001
nacos.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRootWhether the container security context for Nacos runs as a non-privileged user.true
nacos.containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalationThe state of privilege escalation in the Nacos container security context.false
nacos.service.typeDefine the service type for the Nacos.NodePort
nacos.service.clusterIPDefine the service cluster IP for the Nacos.~
nacos.service.externalIPsDefine the service external IP for the Nacos.~
nacos.service.loadBalancerIPDefine the service loadBalancer IP for the Nacos.~
nacos.service.loadBalancerSourceRangesDefine the service loadBalancer Source Ranges for the Nacos.~
nacos.service.loadBalancerClassDefine the service loadBalancer Class for the Nacos.~
nacos.service.sessionAffinityDefine the session affinity strategy for the Nacos service.None
nacos.service.publishNotReadyAddressesDefine the publication of not-ready Nacos service addresses to other components.true
nacos.startupProbe.initialDelaySecondsInitialization Wait Time in Seconds After Nacos Container Starts.180
nacos.startupProbe.periodSecondsThe Nacos container periodically checks availability.5
nacos.startupProbe.timeoutSecondsResponse Timeout Duration in Seconds After Nacos Container Starts.10
nacos.startupProbe.httpGet.schemeDefine the network protocol used for health check probe requests when the container starts.HTTP
nacos.startupProbe.httpGet.portChecking the container with an HTTP GET request to a target port.8848
nacos.startupProbe.httpGet.pathChecking the container with an HTTP GET request to a target path./nacos/v1/console/health/readiness
nacos.readinessProbe.initialDelaySecondsInitialization Wait Time in Seconds After Nacos Container Starts.180
nacos.readinessProbe.periodSecondsThe Nacos container periodically checks availability.5
nacos.readinessProbe.timeoutSecondsResponse Timeout Duration in Seconds After Nacos Container Starts.10
nacos.readinessProbe.httpGet.schemeDefine the network protocol used for health check probe requests when the container starts.HTTP
nacos.readinessProbe.httpGet.portChecking the container with an HTTP GET request to a target port.8848
nacos.readinessProbe.httpGet.pathChecking the container with an HTTP GET request to a target path./nacos/v1/console/health/readiness
nacos.livenessProbe.initialDelaySecondsInitialization Wait Time in Seconds After Nacos Container Starts.180
nacos.livenessProbe.periodSecondsThe Nacos container periodically checks availability.5
nacos.livenessProbe.timeoutSecondsResponse Timeout Duration in Seconds After Nacos Container Starts.10
nacos.livenessProbe.httpGet.schemeDefine the network protocol used for health check probe requests when the container starts.HTTP
nacos.livenessProbe.httpGet.portChecking the container with an HTTP GET request to a target port.8848
nacos.livenessProbe.httpGet.pathChecking the container with an HTTP GET request to a target path./nacos/v1/console/health/readiness
nacos.resources.limits.cpuMaximum Limit on CPU Resources for Nacos.128
nacos.resources.limits.memoryMaximum Limit on Memory Resources for Nacos.128
nacos.resources.requests.cpuMaximum Request on CPU Resources for Nacos.128
nacos.resources.requests.memoryMaximum Request on Memory Resources for Nacos.128
nacos.serverPortDefine the service port for the Nacos.8848
nacos.preferhostmodeEnable Nacos cluster node domain name support~ data storage method mysql or embedded. The embedded supports either standalone or cluster mode.embedded the database host for Nacos storing configuration data.localhost the database name for Nacos storing configuration data.nacos the database port for Nacos storing configuration data.3306 the database username for Nacos storing configuration data.mysql the database password for Nacos storing configuration data.passw0rd the database url parameter for Nacos storing configuration data.characterEncoding=utf8&connectTimeout=1000&socketTimeout=3000&autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false


ingress.enabledEnable Ingress Status.true
ingress.hosts.adminDefine the domain name for the admin application host.admin.k8s.example
ingress.hosts.prometheusDefine the domain name for the prometheus application host.prom.k8s.example
ingress.hosts.grafanaDefine the domain name for the grafana application host.grafana.k8s.example
ingress.nameOverrideName Override for Ingress.~
ingress.namespaceOverrideNameSpace Override Ingress.~
ingress.labelsLabels for Ingress.~
ingress.annotationsAnnotations for Ingress.~
ingress.nodeSelectorNode Scheduling for Ingress.~
ingress.replicasReplica Deployment Count for Ingress.1
ingress.image.registryImage Name for
ingress.image.tagVersion Tag for Ingress.v2.10.4
ingress.image.pullPolicyPull Policy for Ingress.IfNotPresent
ingress.readinessProbe.failureThresholdThe allowed number of failures for the Ingress container.1
ingress.readinessProbe.initialDelaySecondsInitialization Wait Time in Seconds After Ingress Container Starts.2
ingress.readinessProbe.periodSecondsThe Ingress container periodically checks availability.10
ingress.readinessProbe.successThresholdThe success threshold for the Ingress container.1
ingress.readinessProbe.timeoutSecondsResponse Timeout Duration in Seconds After Ingress Container Starts.2
ingress.httpGet.pathChecking the container with an HTTP GET request to a target path./ping
ingress.httpGet.portChecking the container with an HTTP GET request to a target port.9000
ingress.httpGet.schemeDefine the network protocol used for health check probe requests when the container starts.HTTP
ingress.livenessProbe.failureThresholdThe allowed number of failures for the Ingress container.3
ingress.livenessProbe.initialDelaySecondsInitialization Wait Time in Seconds After Ingress Container Starts.2
ingress.livenessProbe.periodSecondsThe Ingress container periodically checks availability.10
ingress.livenessProbe.successThresholdThe success threshold for the Ingress container.1
ingress.livenessProbe.timeoutSecondsResponse Timeout Duration in Seconds After Ingress Container Starts.2
ingress.httpGet.pathChecking the container with an HTTP GET request to a target path./ping
ingress.httpGet.portChecking the container with an HTTP GET request to a target port.9000
ingress.httpGet.schemeDefine the network protocol used for health check probe requests when the container starts.HTTP
ingress.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurgeIngress Update Strategy Expected Replicas.1
ingress.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailableIngress Update Strategy Maximum Unavailable Replicas.0
ingress.securityContext.runAsUserNon-privileged user identifier for Ingress security context.65532
ingress.securityContext.runAsGroupNon-privileged group identity identifier for Ingress security context.65532
ingress.securityContext.runAsNonRootWhether the security context for Ingress runs as a non-privileged user.true
ingress.containersecurityContext.capabilities.dropWhether Linux kernel capabilities or permissions are enabled in the Ingress container security context.[ALL]
ingress.containersecurityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystemWhether the root file system is read-only in the Ingress container security context.true
ingress.containersecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalationWhether the Ingress container security context allows privilege escalation.false
ingress.resources.limits.cpuMaximum Limit on CPU Resources for Ingress.128
ingress.resources.limits.memoryMaximum Limit on Memory Resources for Ingress.128
ingress.resources.requests.cpuMaximum Request on CPU Resources for Ingress.128
ingress.resources.requests.memoryMaximum Request on Memory Resources for Ingress.128


jobs.namespaceOverrideNameSpace Override Jobs.~
jobs.labelsLabels for Jobs.~
jobs.annotationsAnnotations for Jobs.~
jobs.image.registryImage Name for
jobs.image.tagVersion Tag for Jobs.1.28.4
jobs.image.pullPolicyPull Policy for Jobs.IfNotPresent