This repository contains libraries and tools for creating and deploying Dubbo applications in any Kubernetes environment, i.e. on Kubernetes, Aliyun ACK, etc.


  • Ensure you have Go installed, version 1.20 or higher.
  • Make sure you install kubectl.
  • Ensure you have Dubboctl installed.

Quick Start

Create a Dubbo application

Use dubboctl create to create a project template.

dubboctl create -l java

This should generate a simple project with a demo service properly configured and is ready to run.

For java developers, it's recommended to use or IntelliJ IDEA plugin to generate more complicated templates.

Deploy application to Kubernetes

Before deploying the application, let's install Nacos, Zookeeper, Prometheus and other components necessary for running a Dubbo application or microservice cluster.

dubboctl install --profile=demo # This will install Nacos, Prometheus, Grafana, Admin, etc.

Next, build your application as docker image and deploy it into kubernetes cluster with dubboctl deploy, it will do the following two steps:

  1. Build your application from source code into docker image and push the image to remote repository.
  2. Generate all the kubernetes configurations (e.g., deployments, services, load balancers) needed to run your application on vanilla Kubernetes.
dubboctl deploy --out=deployment.yml

Finally, apply manifests into kubernetes cluster.

kubectl apply -f deployment.yml