id: preface title: Preface sidebar_label: Preface

love dubbo



dubbo2.js = Nodejs connected Java Dubbo RPC service by dubbo protocol (dubbo head + hessian body)

多年期盼,一朝梦圆! We love dubbo 👏

感谢 js-to-java,hessian.js 两大核心模块, 感谢fengmk2dead-horse老师。


  1. Keep it Simple

  2. Support zookeeper as registry center

  3. TCP Dubbo Native Protocol (Dubbo Header + Hessian Body)

  4. Socket Pool (ServerAgent -> SocketPool -> SocketWorker)

  5. Support Directly Dubbo (const Dubbo = DirectlyDubbo({..}))

  6. Middleware, Easy to extend, the same API as Koa middleware

  7. Tracing

  8. Supported Dubbox

  9. Typescript type definition

  10. Convert java dubbo interface to typescript module or JavaScript node module

  11. Socket-worker auto retry