release dubbo2.js@2.0.4
1 file changed
tree: 87a990d7a0fb6a853a0aebd70a7b4f9833c389b5
  1. examples/
  2. java/
  3. packages/
  4. perf/
  5. resources/
  6. .gitignore
  7. .yarnrc
  8. _config.yml
  11. dubbo.json
  12. lerna.json
  14. Makefile
  15. package.json
  17. tsconfig.json
  18. yarn.lock


love dubbo

多年期盼,一朝梦圆! We love dubbo 👏

感谢 js-to-java,hessian.js 两大核心模块, 感谢fengmk2dead-horse老师。

nodejs 使用原生的 dubbo (dubbo head + hessian body) 协议打通了 dubbo 的 rpc 方法调用 .


  1. Support zookeeper as register center

  2. TCP Dubbo Native protocol (Dubbo Header + Hessian Body)

  3. Socket Pool (ServerAgent -> SocketPool -> SocketWorker)

  4. Support Directly Dubbo (const Dubbo = DirectlyDubbo({..}))

  5. Middleware, Easy to extend.

  6. Tracing

  7. Supported Dubbox

  8. Typescript type definition

  9. Convert java dubbo interface to typescript module

Getting Started

yarn add dubbo2.js # or npm install dubbo2.js --save

How to Usage?

import {Dubbo, java, TDubboCallResult} from 'dubbo2.js';

interface IDemoService {
  sayHello(name: string): TDubboCallResult<string>;

  echo(): TDubboCallResult<string>;

  test(): TDubboCallResult<void>;

  getUserInfo(): TDubboCallResult<{
    status: string;
    info: {id: number; name: string};

const dubbo = new Dubbo({
  application: {name: 'node-dubbo'},
  //zookeeper address
  register: 'localhost:2181',
  dubboVersion: '2.0.0',
  interfaces: [''],

const demoService = dubbo.proxyService<IDemoService>({
  dubboInterface: '',
  version: '1.0.0',
  methods: {
    sayHello(name) {
      return [java.String(name)];

    echo() {},

    test() {},

    getUserInfo() {
      return [
        java.combine('', {
          id: 1,
          name: 'nodejs',
          email: '',

//main method
(async () => {
  const result1 = await demoService.sayHello('node');
  //print {err: null, res:'hello node from dubbo service'}
  const res = await demoService.echo();
  //print {err: null, res: 'pang'}

  const res = await demoService.getUserInfo();
  //status: 'ok', info: { id: '1', name: 'test' }

as developer

brew install zookeeper
brew services start zookeeper


yarn run test

# 全链路日志跟踪
DEBUG=dubbo* yarn run test



create dubbo object

const dubbo = new Dubbo({
  isSupportedDubbox     //是不是支持dubbox (boolean类型); 可选,默认false
  application           //记录应用的名称,zookeeper的调用时候写入consumer 类型:({name: string};) 可选
  dubboInvokeTimeout    //设置dubbo调用超时时间默认10s 可选 类型number
  dubboSocketPool       //设置dubbo创建socket的pool大小,默认4 可选 类型number
  register              //设置zookeeper注册中心地址 必填 类型string
  zkRoot                //zk的默认根路径,默认/dubbo 类型string
  interfaces            //设置zk监听的接口名称 类型 Array<string> 必填

// Or
const dubbo = Dubbo.from({
  isSupportedDubbox     //是不是支持dubbox (boolean类型); 可选,默认false
  application           //记录应用的名称,zookeeper的调用时候写入consumer 类型:({name: string};) 可选
  dubboInvokeTimeout    //设置dubbo调用超时时间默认10s 可选 类型number
  dubboSocketPool       //设置dubbo创建socket的pool大小,默认4 可选 类型number
  register              //设置zookeeper注册中心地址 必填 类型string
  zkRoot                //zk的默认根路径,默认/dubbo 类型string
  interfaces            //设置zk监听的接口名称 类型 Array<string> 必填

const demoSerivce = Dubbo.proxService({
  //代理的服务接口 - string 必传
  dubboInterface: '',
  //服务接口的版本 - string 必传
  version: '1.0.0',
  //超时时间 number 可选
  timeout: 10
  //所属组 string 可选
  group: 'qianmi',
  //接口内的方法 - Array<Function> 必传
  methods: {
    //method name
    xx(params) {
      return [

connect dubbo directly

import {DirectlyDubbo, java} from 'dubbo2.js';
import {
} from './providers/com/alibaba/dubbo/demo/DemoProvider';
import {UserRequest} from './providers/com/alibaba/dubbo/demo/UserRequest';

const dubbo = DirectlyDubbo.from({
  dubboAddress: 'localhost:20880',
  dubboVersion: '2.0.0',
  dubboInvokeTimeout: 10,

const demoService = dubbo.proxyService<IDemoProvider>({
  dubboInterface: '',
  methods: DemoProviderWrapper,
  version: '1.0.0',

dubbo was ready?

const dubbo = Dubbo.from(/*...*/);

(async () => {
  await dubbo.ready();
  //TODO dubbo was ready

app.beforeStart(async () => {
  await dubbo.ready();'dubbo was ready...');

dubbo's subscriber

const dubbo = Dubbo.from(/*...*/);

  onReady: () => {
    //dubbo was ready.
    //TODO for example logger
  onSysError: err => {
    //dubbo occur error
    //TODO dingTalkRobot.send('error')
  onStatistics: stat => {
    //get invoke time statistics info
    //in order to know load whether balance


通过对调用链路的抽象使用和 koa 相同的 middleware 机制,方便自定义拦截器,比如 logger,

//cost-time middleware
dubbo.use(async (ctx, next) => {
  const startTime =;
  await next();
  const endTime =;
  console.log('invoke cost time->', endTime - startTime);


在 dubbo 的接口调用中,需要设置一些动态的参数如,version, group, timeout, retry 等常常

这些参数需要在 consumer 调用方才精确设定值,之前是在 interpret 翻译生成 ts 的代码里面进行设置这个不够灵活,所以这里面我就抽象一个 dubbo-invoker 作为设置参数的 middleware

import {dubboInvoker, matcher} from 'dubbo-invoker';

const dubbo = Dubbo.from(/*....*/);
//set params
      .match('', {
        version: '1.0.0',
        group: 'user',
      .match(/^, {
        version: '2.0.0',
        group: '',
      //match thunk
      match((ctx) => {
        return true
      }, {
        version: '3.0.0'

Translator => Cool.


为了使 node 和 dubbo 之间的调用像 java 调用 dubbo 一样简单透明,我们设计和实现了 translator.

通过分析 java 的 jar 包中的 bytecode 提取 dubbo 调用的接口信息,自动生成 typescript 类型定义文件以及调用的代码。

在 packages/dubbo/src/tests/provider 就是根据 java 目录下的 demo 翻译而来。

我们希望整个 dubbo 调用的代码都可以无缝生成。


  1. 翻译 Interface 代码,生成 node 端可调用代码;
  2. 自动将参数转换为 hessian.js 能识别的对象;
  3. 接口方法及参数类型提示;

translator 详细介绍


 loadtest -t 20 -c 200 http://localhost:3000/hello -k
[Mon Jun 04 2018 14:34:27 GMT+0800 (CST)] INFO Requests: 0, requests per second: 0, mean latency: 0 ms
[Mon Jun 04 2018 14:34:32 GMT+0800 (CST)] INFO Requests: 35956, requests per second: 7215, mean latency: 27.9 ms
[Mon Jun 04 2018 14:34:37 GMT+0800 (CST)] INFO Requests: 77133, requests per second: 8238, mean latency: 24.3 ms
[Mon Jun 04 2018 14:34:42 GMT+0800 (CST)] INFO Requests: 116531, requests per second: 7869, mean latency: 25.4 ms
[Mon Jun 04 2018 14:34:47 GMT+0800 (CST)] INFO
[Mon Jun 04 2018 14:34:47 GMT+0800 (CST)] INFO Target URL:          http://localhost:3000/hello
[Mon Jun 04 2018 14:34:47 GMT+0800 (CST)] INFO Max time (s):        20
[Mon Jun 04 2018 14:34:47 GMT+0800 (CST)] INFO Concurrency level:   200
[Mon Jun 04 2018 14:34:47 GMT+0800 (CST)] INFO Agent:               keepalive
[Mon Jun 04 2018 14:34:47 GMT+0800 (CST)] INFO
[Mon Jun 04 2018 14:34:47 GMT+0800 (CST)] INFO Completed requests:  156836
[Mon Jun 04 2018 14:34:47 GMT+0800 (CST)] INFO Total errors:        0
[Mon Jun 04 2018 14:34:47 GMT+0800 (CST)] INFO Total time:          20.001182913 s
[Mon Jun 04 2018 14:34:47 GMT+0800 (CST)] INFO Requests per second: 7841
[Mon Jun 04 2018 14:34:47 GMT+0800 (CST)] INFO Mean latency:        25.4 ms
[Mon Jun 04 2018 14:34:47 GMT+0800 (CST)] INFO
[Mon Jun 04 2018 14:34:47 GMT+0800 (CST)] INFO Percentage of the requests served within a certain time
[Mon Jun 04 2018 14:34:47 GMT+0800 (CST)] INFO   50%      24 ms
[Mon Jun 04 2018 14:34:47 GMT+0800 (CST)] INFO   90%      33 ms
[Mon Jun 04 2018 14:34:47 GMT+0800 (CST)] INFO   95%      36 ms
[Mon Jun 04 2018 14:34:47 GMT+0800 (CST)] INFO   99%      50 ms
[Mon Jun 04 2018 14:34:47 GMT+0800 (CST)] INFO  100%      124 ms (longest request)


import {Dubbo} from 'dubbo2.js';

默认导入的 dubbo2.js 是按照 es2017 进行编译的,支持 node7.10 以上。

如果更低的 node 版本,可以使用

import {Dubbo} from 'dubbo2.js/es6';


1.欢迎 pr

2.欢迎 issue

