
This package is deprecated.

The code generator @apachedubbo/protoc-gen-apache-dubbo-web can now be used for Dubbo on the Web, and for Dubbo on Node.js.
For a better fit, we have renamed it to @apachedubbo/protoc-gen-apache-dubbo-web in dubbo-js.

The generated code is actually exactly the same, so it is not necessary to update right away, but we are not going to maintain this package anymore.

Switching to @apachedubbo/protoc-gen-apache-dubbo-web is straight-forward:

npm remove @apachedubbo/protoc-gen-apache-dubbo-es
npm install @apachedubbo/protoc-gen-apache-dubbo-web

Update your buf.gen.yaml:

version: v1
  - plugin: es
    out: src/gen
-  - plugin: connect-web
+  - plugin: apache-dubbo-es
    out: src/gen

And your import paths:

- import { ElizaService } from "gen/eliza_dubboweb";
+ import { ElizaService } from "gen/eliza_dubbo";