blob: 7b57d401180638b669822dc04f2c1868c9534a53 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import type {
} from "@opentelemetry/api"
import { metrics, ValueType } from "@opentelemetry/api";
import { QpsCounter } from "./qps-counter.js";
export { ValueType } from "@opentelemetry/api";
export type { MetricOptions } from "@opentelemetry/api";
declare type MeterCache = {
[meterName: string]: Counter | ObservableCounter | UpDownCounter | Histogram
* Configuration for meter collector.
export interface MeterCollectorOptions extends MeterOptions{
* The name of the meter or instrumentation library.
name?: string;
* The version of the meter or instrumentation library.
version?: string;
export class MeterCollector {
* Meter to collector metrics.
* @private
private readonly meter: Meter | undefined;
* Meter cache
* @private
private readonly meter_cache: MeterCache | undefined;
* Create a new MeterCollector.
* If no options to provided, default option <code>{name: 'dubbo-js', version: '0.0.1'}</code> is used.
* @param options
constructor(options?: MeterCollectorOptions) {
// Get a meter from the global meter provider.
this.meter = metrics.getMeter(options?.name || "dubbo-js", options?.version || "0.0.1", options);
this.meter_cache = {} as MeterCache;
* Private method. Get a cached meter by `cacheKey`.
* @param cacheKey Cache key for meter.
* @param creator When the meter does not exist, this method will be called to create the Meter
__getCachedMeter(cacheKey: string, creator: () => Counter | ObservableCounter | undefined):
Counter | ObservableCounter | undefined {
if (!this.meter || !this.meter_cache) {
return undefined;
if (!this.meter_cache[cacheKey]) {
const meter = creator();
if (meter) {
this.meter_cache[cacheKey] = meter;
} else {
return undefined;
return this.meter_cache[cacheKey] as Counter;
* Get a counter, first use the cached meter, if not, creates a new Counter metric.
* Generally, this kind of metric when the value is a quantity,
* the sum is of primary interest, and the event count and value distribution are not of primary interest.
* @param name the name of the metric.
* @param options the metric options.
getCounter(name: string, options?: MetricOptions) : Counter | undefined{
const cacheKey = `counter-${name}`;
return this.__getCachedMeter(cacheKey, () => this.meter?.createCounter(name, options)) as Counter
* Get a observable counter, first use the cached meter, if not, creates a new ObservableCounter metric.
* The callback SHOULD be safe to be invoked concurrently.
* @param name the name of the metric.
* @param options the metric options.
getObservableCounter(name: string, options?: MetricOptions): ObservableCounter | undefined {
const cacheKey = `observable-counter-${name}`;
return this.__getCachedMeter(cacheKey,
() => this.meter?.createObservableCounter(name, options)) as ObservableCounter
* Shutdown
shutdown() {
if (this.meter_cache) {
Object.keys(this.meter_cache).forEach( key => {
if (this.meter_cache) {
delete this.meter_cache[key];
* Service provider metrics collector
export class ProviderMeterCollector extends MeterCollector {
* The counter of total number of received requests by the provider
* @private
private providerRequestTotal: Counter | undefined;
* The counter of total number of successfully received requests by the provider
* @private
private providerRequestSucceedTotal: Counter | undefined;
* The counter of total number of unsuccessfully received requests by the provider
* @private
private providerRequestFailedTotal: Counter | undefined
* The counter of number of requests received by the provider per second counter
* @private
private providerRequestQps: ObservableCounter | undefined;
* The QPS counter
* @private
private qpsCounter: QpsCounter | undefined;
constructor(options?: MeterCollectorOptions) {
this.providerRequestTotal = this.getCounter("dubbo_provider_requests_total", {
description: `The total number of received requests by the provider`,
valueType: ValueType.INT
this.providerRequestSucceedTotal =
this.getCounter("dubbo_provider_requests_succeed_total", {
description: `The total number of successfully received requests by the provider`,
valueType: ValueType.INT
this.providerRequestFailedTotal =
this.getCounter("dubbo_provider_requests_failed_total", {
description: `The total number of unsuccessfully received requests by the provider`,
valueType: ValueType.INT
this.providerRequestQps = this.getObservableCounter("dubbo_provider_qps_total", {
description: "The number of requests received by the provider per second",
valueType: ValueType.INT
* Total number of requests received by collecting provider.
* Usually, the Provider immediately performs indicator collection when it receives the request.
* @param attributes The options of metrics.
providerRequest(attributes?: Attributes) {
this.providerRequestTotal?.add(1, attributes);
if (this.qpsCounter == undefined) {
const qpsCounter = new QpsCounter();
this.qpsCounter = qpsCounter;
this.providerRequestQps?.addCallback((observableResult) => {
* The total number of requests processed successfully
* This indicator is usually collected after the request is successfully processed.
* @param attributes The options of metrics.
providerRequestSucceed(attributes?: Attributes) {
this.providerRequestSucceedTotal?.add(1, attributes);
* The total number of requests processed failed.
* This indicator is usually collected after the request is failed processed.*
* @param attributes The options of metrics.
providerRequestFailed(attributes?: Attributes) {
this.providerRequestFailedTotal?.add(1, attributes);
* Stop collector metrics.
override shutdown() {
* Service consumer metrics collector
export class ConsumerMeterCollector extends MeterCollector {
* The counter of total number of received requests by the consumer
* @private
private consumerRequestTotal: Counter | undefined;
* The counter of total number of successfully received requests by the consumer
* @private
private consumerRequestSucceedTotal: Counter | undefined;
* The counter of total number of unsuccessfully received requests by the consumer
* @private
private consumerRequestFailedTotal: Counter | undefined
* The counter of number of requests received by the consumer per second counter
* @private
private consumerRequestQps: ObservableCounter | undefined;
* The QPS counter.
* @private
private qpsCounter: QpsCounter | undefined;
constructor(options?: MeterCollectorOptions) {
this.consumerRequestTotal = this.getCounter("dubbo_consumer_requests_total", {
description: `The total number of received requests by the consumer`,
valueType: ValueType.INT
this.consumerRequestSucceedTotal =
this.getCounter("dubbo_consumer_requests_succeed_total", {
description: `The total number of successfully received requests by the consumer`,
valueType: ValueType.INT
this.consumerRequestFailedTotal =
this.getCounter("dubbo_consumer_requests_failed_total", {
description: `The total number of unsuccessfully received requests by the consumer`,
valueType: ValueType.INT
this.consumerRequestQps = this.getObservableCounter("dubbo_consumer_qps_total", {
description: "The number of requests received by the consumer per second",
valueType: ValueType.INT
* Total number of sent requests by consumers
* Usually you need to call this method to collect metrics before the client sends a request
* @param attributes The options of metrics.
consumerRequest(attributes?: Attributes) {
this.consumerRequestTotal?.add(1, attributes);
if (this.qpsCounter == undefined) {
const qpsCounter = new QpsCounter();
this.qpsCounter = qpsCounter;
this.consumerRequestQps?.addCallback((observableResult) => {
* Collect metrics of successful consumer calls to remote service method
* @param attributes The options of metrics.
consumerRequestSucceed(attributes?: Attributes) {
this.consumerRequestSucceedTotal?.add(1, attributes);
* Collect metrics of fail consumer calls to remote service method
* @param attributes The options of metrics.
consumerRequestFailed(attributes?: Attributes) {
this.consumerRequestFailedTotal?.add(1, attributes);
* Stop collector metrics.
override shutdown() {