Steps to use benchmark project

  1. New a benchmark project, say: demo.benchmark

  2. Import both service interface (your service API jar) and dubbo.benchmark.jar into the project

  3. Create a new class to implement AbstractClientRunnable:

    • Override parent's constructor
    • Implement invoke method, use ServiceFactory to create local proxy for the interface, and then implement business logic as below:
    public class MyClient implements AbstractClientRunnable {
       public Object invoke(ServiceFactory serviceFactory) {
        DemoService demoService = (DemoService) serviceFactory.get(DemoService.class);
        return demoService.sendRequest("hello");

3. build the project and package the result into a jar file, for example: `demo.benchmark.jar` 4. put `demo.benchmark.jar` under `dubbo.benchmark/lib` 5. config in `dubbo.proerties` 6. run `run.bat` on windows, or `` on unix-like platforms