blob: 6f6d2ea9753a513412a4f5099c396dd90cf454ba [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package impl
import (
import (
type PackageType int
// enum part
const (
PackageError = PackageType(0x01)
PackageRequest = PackageType(0x02)
PackageResponse = PackageType(0x04)
PackageHeartbeat = PackageType(0x08)
PackageRequest_TwoWay = PackageType(0x10)
PackageResponse_Exception = PackageType(0x20)
PackageType_BitSize = 0x2f
type DubboHeader struct {
SerialID byte
Type PackageType
ID int64
BodyLen int
ResponseStatus byte
// Service defines service instance
type Service struct {
Path string
Interface string
Group string
Version string
Method string
Timeout time.Duration // request timeout
type DubboPackage struct {
Header DubboHeader
Service Service
Body interface{}
Err error
Codec *ProtocolCodec
func (p DubboPackage) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("HessianPackage: Header-%v, Path-%v, Body-%v", p.Header, p.Service, p.Body)
func (p *DubboPackage) ReadHeader() error {
return p.Codec.ReadHeader(&p.Header)
func (p *DubboPackage) Marshal() (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
if p.Codec == nil {
return nil, errors.New("Codec is nil")
pkg, err := p.Codec.Encode(*p)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
return bytes.NewBuffer(pkg), nil
func (p *DubboPackage) Unmarshal() error {
if p.Codec == nil {
return errors.New("Codec is nil")
return p.Codec.Decode(p)
func (p DubboPackage) IsHeartBeat() bool {
return p.Header.Type&PackageHeartbeat != 0
func (p DubboPackage) IsRequest() bool {
return p.Header.Type&(PackageRequest_TwoWay|PackageRequest) != 0
func (p DubboPackage) IsResponse() bool {
return p.Header.Type == PackageResponse
func (p DubboPackage) IsResponseWithException() bool {
flag := PackageResponse | PackageResponse_Exception
return p.Header.Type&flag == flag
func (p DubboPackage) GetBodyLen() int {
return p.Header.BodyLen
func (p DubboPackage) GetLen() int {
return HEADER_LENGTH + p.Header.BodyLen
func (p DubboPackage) GetBody() interface{} {
return p.Body
func (p *DubboPackage) SetBody(body interface{}) {
p.Body = body
func (p *DubboPackage) SetHeader(header DubboHeader) {
p.Header = header
func (p *DubboPackage) SetService(svc Service) {
p.Service = svc
func (p *DubboPackage) SetID(id int64) {
p.Header.ID = id
func (p DubboPackage) GetHeader() DubboHeader {
return p.Header
func (p DubboPackage) GetService() Service {
return p.Service
func (p *DubboPackage) SetResponseStatus(status byte) {
p.Header.ResponseStatus = status
func (p *DubboPackage) SetSerializer(serializer Serializer) {
func NewDubboPackage(data *bytes.Buffer) *DubboPackage {
var codec *ProtocolCodec
if data == nil {
codec = NewDubboCodec(nil)
} else {
codec = NewDubboCodec(bufio.NewReaderSize(data, len(data.Bytes())))
return &DubboPackage{
Header: DubboHeader{},
Service: Service{},
Body: nil,
Err: nil,
Codec: codec,