Dubbo3 provides Triple(Dubbo3), Dubbo2 protocols, which are native to the Dubbo framework. In addition, Dubbo3 also integrates a number of third-party protocols into Dubbo's programming and service governance architecture, Including gRPC, Thrift, JSON-RPC, Hessian2, and REST. The following describes the JSON-RPC protocol example.
Start the registry by docker-compose:
docker-compose -f go-server/docker/docker-compose.yml up -d
Stop the registry
docker-compose -f go-server/docker/docker-compose.yml dowm
Note: Goland users can directly use the boot mode configured by '.run ', refer to HOWTO.md
Start go-server:
Config the configuration file of Dubbogo(server/dubbogo.yml):
Start go-client:
Config the configuration file of Dubbogo(client/dubbogo.yml):
Start java-server:
run build.sh ,Maven environment required
bash build.sh
Start java-client:
run build.sh,Maven environment required
bash build.sh