TPSLimit Filter 示例


Dubbo-go 内置了限流 filter “tpslimit”。可以通过在服务端的配置来激活,另外,用户还可以自定义限流策略和拒绝访问后的处理逻辑。


1. 代码

A) 自定义限流策略:

通过实现 filter.TpsLimitStrategy 来自定义限流策略。在本例中,采取的策略是随机限流:

func init() {
	 * register your implementation and them using it like:
	 * "UserProvider":
	 *   registry: "hangzhouzk"
	 *   protocol : "dubbo"
	 *   interface : "com.ikurento.user.UserProvider"
	 *   ... # other configuration
	 *   tps.limiter: "method-service" # the name of limiter
	 *   tps.limit.strategy: "RandomLimitStrategy"
	extension.SetTpsLimitStrategy("RandomLimitStrategy", &RandomTpsLimitStrategyCreator{})

 * The RandomTpsLimitStrategy should not be singleton because different TpsLimiter will create many instances.
 * we won't want them affect each other.
type RandomTpsLimitStrategy struct {
	rate     int
	interval int

func (r RandomTpsLimitStrategy) IsAllowable() bool {
	// this is a simple demo.
	gxlog.CInfo("Random IsAllowable!")
	randNum := rand.Int63n(2)
	return randNum == 0

type RandomTpsLimitStrategyCreator struct{}

func (creator *RandomTpsLimitStrategyCreator) Create(rate int, interval int) filter.TpsLimitStrategy {
	return &RandomTpsLimitStrategy{
		rate:     rate,
		interval: interval,

B) 自定义拒绝访问处理:

通过实现 filter.RejectedExecutionHandler。在本例中,当限流条件满足的情况下,拒绝访问的自定义处理逻辑将会返回 "The request is rejected and doesn't have any default value. " 的错误给客户端。

func init() {
	 * register your custom implementation into filter.
	 * "DefaultValueHandler" is the name used in configure file, like server.yml:
	 * "UserProvider":
	 *   registry: "hangzhouzk"
	 *   protocol : "dubbo"
	 *   interface : "com.ikurento.user.UserProvider"
	 *   ... # other configuration
	 *   tps.limiter: "method-service",
	 *   tps.limit.rejected.handler: "DefaultValueHandler",
	 * So when the invocation is over the tps limitation, it will return the default value.
	 * This is a common use case.
	extension.SetRejectedExecutionHandler("DefaultValueHandler", GetDefaultValueRejectedExecutionHandlerSingleton)


 * The RejectedExecutionHandler is used by some components,
 * e.g, ExecuteLimitFilter, GracefulShutdownFilter, TpsLimitFilter.
 * When the requests are rejected, the RejectedExecutionHandler allows you to do something.
 * You can alert the developer, or redirect those requests to another providers. It depends on what you need.
 * Let's assume that you need a RejectedExecutionHandler which will return some default result if the request was rejected.
type DefaultValueRejectedExecutionHandler struct {
	defaultResult sync.Map

func (mh *DefaultValueRejectedExecutionHandler) RejectedExecution(url *common.URL, invocation protocol.Invocation) protocol.Result {
	// put your custom business here.
	logger.Error("Here is my custom rejected handler. I want to do something if the requests are rejected. ")
	// in most cases, if the request was rejected, you won't want to invoke the origin provider.
	// But if you really want to do that, you can do it like this:
	// invocation.Invoker().Invoke(invocation)

	// the ServiceKey + methodName is the key
	key := url.ServiceKey() + "#" + invocation.MethodName()
	result, loaded := mh.defaultResult.Load(key)
	if !loaded {
		// we didn't configure any default value for this invocation
		return &protocol.RPCResult{
			Err: errors.New("The request is rejected and doesn't have any default value. "),
	return result.(*protocol.RPCResult)

func GetCustomRejectedExecutionHandler() filter.RejectedExecutionHandler {
	return &DefaultValueRejectedExecutionHandler{}

var (
	customHandlerOnce     sync.Once
	customHandlerInstance *DefaultValueRejectedExecutionHandler

 * the better way is designing the RejectedExecutionHandler as singleton.
func GetDefaultValueRejectedExecutionHandlerSingleton() filter.RejectedExecutionHandler {
	customHandlerOnce.Do(func() {
		customHandlerInstance = &DefaultValueRejectedExecutionHandler{}


	return customHandlerInstance

func initDefaultValue() {
	// setting your default value
2. 配置

在服务端的配置文件中,按如下所示配置该 filter:

# service config
    registry: "demoZk"
    protocol: "dubbo"
    interface: "org.apache.dubbo.UserProvider"
    tps.limiter: "method-service"
    tps.limit.strategy: "RandomLimitStrategy"
    tps.limit.rejected.handler: "DefaultValueHandler"
    tps.limit.interval: 5000
    tps.limit.rate: 300
3. 运行

请参阅根目录中的 来运行本例。


[2021-03-10/17:11:10 limit_strategy.go: 56] %s
Random IsAllowable!
2021-03-10T17:11:10.748+0800 ERROR   filter_impl/tps_limit_filter.go:69      The invocation was rejected due to over the tps limitation, ...


error: The request is rejected and doesn't have any default value.