Dubbo java and go interoperability, with service discovery ands protocol

This example shows dubbo-go's service discovery and java-go interoperation feature with Nacos as registry.

before run the code, you should Follow the instruction to install and start Nacos server.

本示例针对 Dubbo2 老版本用户(或者仍在使用 Dubbo3 老服务发现模型)接口级服务发现的用户。演示如何基于 Dubbo2 接口级服务发现实现 Java 与 Go 体系互调。

dubbo java 调用 dubbo go

  1. 启动 go server

    go run ./go-server/cmd/server.go
  2. 启动 java client


dubbo go 调用 dubbo java

  1. 启动 java server

  2. 启动 go client

    go run ./go-client/cmd/client.go