tree: 385fd479e70d664c070ceb39cc269af537e67fc1 [path history] [tgz]
  1. codec-extension/
  2. hessian2/
  3. msgpack/
  4. pb/

Triple Samples

Triple is dubbo3.0 network protocol. You can refer to dubbogo/triple repo for more information. Triple is extended from old Dubbogo framework, it supports pb serilization, and can interact with dubbo-java 3.0 and gRPC. It also support unary RPC and streaming RPC invocation. Triple is main protocol that Dubbo echology recommends.

Samples content

How to write configuration file

  • Server
  protocols: # dubbogo framework network protocol configuration
    myProtocol: # user defined protocol Key
      name: tri # protocol name, suppporting: tri/dubbo/grpc/jsonrpc
      port: 20000 # port to export service

      MyProvider: # service provider type name 
        interface: org.apache.dubbogo.MyProvider # user defined interface name
      # serialization: hessian2 # serialization that can be choosed:pb/hessian2/custome
      # pb serialization by default
  • Client
    ClientImpl: # client struct type name
      protocol: tri # protocol name,supporting: tri/dubbo/grpc/jsonrpc,compatiable with server
      interface: org.apache.dubbo.demo.Greeter # user defined interface name
    # serialization: hessian2 # serialization that can be choosed:pb/hessian2/custome
    # pb serialization by default

How to run

We choose pb/dubbogo-grpc as an example, which is dubbogo-client invokes dubbogo-server using triple protocol and pb seriazliation.

Start zk server, listening on If you have installed docker locally, you can choose to exec following commands to start all componnets that dubbogo relies on: zk(2181), nacos(8848), etcd(2379).

docker-compose -f {PATH_TO_SAMPLES_PROJECT}/integrate_test/dockercompose/docker-compose.yml up -d

Run with Goland

You can start client after server started.

Run with terminal

  • Server

cd rpc/triple/pb/dubbogo-grpc/go-server/cmd # go to server samples

export DUBBO_GO_CONFIG_PATH="../conf/dubbogo.yml# set env of dubbogo config

go run . # start server

  • Server

cd rpc/triple/pb/dubbogo-grpc/go-server/cmd # go to client samples

export DUBBO_GO_CONFIG_PATH="../conf/dubbogo.yml # set env of dubbogo config

go run . # start client

Success flag

After you starting with one of above, you can see following info log if success.

INFO cmd/client.go:108 Receive user = name:"Hello laurence" id:"12345" age:21