Writing Tests for VMs

This document describes the integration and extension mechanisms to exercise VM related code. The primary goals are to:

  1. Test VM-related Istio code so that newly submitted commits won't break VM support
  2. Ensure the code works on a range of supported OS types and versions.

Note: We currently use mock/simulated VMs for testing purposes. In the future, the testing might switch to utilize actual compute instances from different providers.


Scenarios in which one might want to add a VM test in this doc:

  1. Testing existing core Istio features such as traffic management, security, telemetry, etc. for VMs
  2. Supporting new OS images for VMs
  3. Testing onboarding tools (iptables, certs, istio-sidecar, etc.) and workflows (services, DNS, etc.) to enmesh a VM

Secenario 1: Testing VM-related Istio Code

Most integration tests in Istio use the Echo application. To test connectivity, security and telemetry for a VM in the mesh, we deploy an instance of the Echo application as a VM resource. A VM Echo instance will simulate a VM, disabling kube-dns, Service Account mount, etc. For more information around VM onboarding, refer to this doc.

To deploy an echo instance as a VM

  1. Set the ports for the VMs.
  2. Set DeployAsVm to be true in echo.Config. We used DefaultVMImage in the example.

For example,

ports := []echo.Port{
       Name:     "http",
       Protocol: protocol.HTTP,
       InstancePort: 8090,
       ServicePort:  8090,
   Service:    "vm",
   Namespace:  "virtual-machine",
   Ports:      ports,
   Pilot:      p,
   DeployAsVM: true,
   VMImage:    vm.DefaultVMImage

The default image referenced with DefaultVMImage from vm package should be used for all pre-submit tests since this is the only image available in the pre-submit stage. Using additional images are only possible in post-submit tests as shown in the next section. A complete list of supported additional images can be found in vm_test.go. If VMImage is not provided while DeployAsVM is on, it will default the Docker image to be DefaultVMImage.

Scenario 2: Supporting Additional OS Images

We list the supported OSes in vm_test.go and the images will be created in prow/lib.sh.

To add additional supported images for testing:

  1. Modify tools/istio-docker.mk to add more build targets. Specify the OS image name and version in the Makefile, and it will be passed to the Dockerfile. See other build targets for references.
  2. Modify prow/lib.sh by adding images to the targets to build images for CI/CD.
  3. Add the images to util.go to be tested in PostSubmit jobs.
  4. (Optional) Modify the DefaultVMImage in util.go in case the default supported image changes.

Note: We will only build default image for pre-submit jobs and build all others for post-submit jobs to save time in CI/CD.

Scenario 3: Testing VM Onboarding & Enmeshing

Detailed steps to onboard a VM could be found in VM onboarding documentation.

Currently, these steps are pre-configured and built in the deployment. However, each of them could be tested by tweaking the VM deployment template.