Generate Json Web Tokens Signed by Google Service Account

The python script ( provided here allows the user to generate a JWT signed by a Google service account.

Before you start

  • Run the following command to install python dependences.

    pip install google-auth
  • Create a service account or use an existing service account, and download the service account private key.

    • In the Service Accounts page, click CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT, or select one of the existing service accounts.

    • Click “Create Key” from the drop-down menu, and select the default JSON key type. The key file will automatically downloads to your computer.


Type the following command to see the help message.

python -h

It outputs the following:

usage: ./ [-h] [-iss ISS] [-aud AUD] [-sub SUB] [-claims CLAIMS] service_account_file

Python script generates a JWT signed by a Google service account

positional arguments:
  service_account_file  The path to your service account key file (in JSON

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -iss ISS, --iss ISS   iss claim. This should be your service account email.
  -aud AUD, --aud AUD   aud claim. This is comma-separated-list of audiences.
  -sub SUB, --sub SUB   sub claim. If not provided, it is set to the same as
                        iss claim.
  -claims CLAIMS, --claims CLAIMS
                        Other claims in format name1:value1,name2:value2 etc.
                        Only string values are supported.


Here is an example of using to generate a JWT token.

./ /path/to/service_account.json -iss -aud foo,bar
./ /path/to/service_account.json -iss -aud foo,bar -claims key1:value1,key2:value2