
This package provides the ability to populate a crd.Controller dynamically via a function that provides additional config. The monitor will acquire snapshots of additional changes and populate the crd.Controller as needed.

Creating a Monitor

To create a monitor, you should provide the crd.Controller, a polling interval, and a function that returns []*model.Config.

monitor := file.NewMonitor(
    controller,      // The crd controller holding the store and event handlers
    1*time.Second,   // How quickly the monitor requests new snapshots
    getSnapshotFunc) // The function used to acquire new config

Running a Monitor

Once created, you simply run the monitor, providing a stop channel.

stop := make(chan struct{})

The Start method will kick off an asynchronous polling loop and will return immediately.


To configure and run a monitor that watches for file changes to update an in-memory config store:

// Configure the config store
store := memory.Make(configDescriptor)
controller = memory.NewController(store)
// Create an object that will take snapshots of config
fileSnapshot := configmonitor.NewFileSnapshot(args.Config.FileDir, configDescriptor)
// Provide snapshot func to monitor
fileMonitor := configmonitor.NewMonitor(controller, 100*time.Millisecond, fileSnapshot.ReadFile)

// Run the controller and monitor
stop := make(chan struct{})

See monitor_test.go and file_snapshot_test.go for more examples.


Always use a Controller

While the API supports any model.ConfigStore, it is recommended to always use a crd.Controller so that other system components can be notified of changes via controller.RegisterEventHandler().

Start behavior

The Start method will immediately check the provided getSnapshotFunc and update the controller appropriately before returning. This helps to simplify tests that rely on starting in a particular state.

After performing an initial update, the Start method then forks an asynchronous polling loop for update/termination.