Pixiu - SpringCloud

Pixiu SpringCloud Discovery With Nacos

there are two spring cloud java project in serve dir which offer same restful api:

  • user-service
  • auth-service

you can use those to mock below situation

  • two service with each one instance
  • one service with two instances, just change spring.application.name in auth-service/src/resource/application.properties from auth-service to user-service notice ! change the port if registry center is nacos
  • start a new instance or kill the old to mock instance up or down

Pixiu SpringCloud practice : Service Discovery With Zookeeper

Start SpringCloud

p.s. the SpringCloud Server name is pixiu-springcloud-server , setting with application.yml

first, start Zookeeper use for Register Center, maybe you can use docker-compose

    image: zookeeper
      - "2181:2181"

second, start the SpringCloud Server, use start.sh or run with IDEA

mvn spring-boot:run

finally, check Server

curl http://localhost:9127/hi


Hello Pixiu World! from org.springframework.cloud.zookeeper.serviceregistry.ServiceInstanceRegistration@63a45760


find service instance info on zookeeper:

curl http://localhost:9127/service/pixiu-springcloud-server


    "serviceId": "pixiu-springcloud-server",
    "host": "",
    "port": 9127,
    "secure": false,
    "uri": "",
    "metadata": {
      "instance_status": "UP"
    "serviceInstance": {
      "name": "pixiu-springcloud-server",
      "id": "1a7b120a-e77a-4a8d-ad3b-ca75473288a4",
      "address": "",
      "port": 9127,
      "sslPort": null,
      "payload": {
        "@class": "org.springframework.cloud.zookeeper.discovery.ZookeeperInstance",
        "id": "pixiu-springcloud-server",
        "name": "pixiu-springcloud-server",
        "metadata": {
          "instance_status": "UP"
      "registrationTimeUTC": 1640852269145,
      "serviceType": "DYNAMIC",
      "uriSpec": {
        "parts": [
            "value": "scheme",
            "variable": true
            "value": "://",
            "variable": false
            "value": "address",
            "variable": true
            "value": ":",
            "variable": false
            "value": "port",
            "variable": true
      "enabled": true
    "instanceId": "1a7b120a-e77a-4a8d-ad3b-ca75473288a4",
    "scheme": null

Start Pixiu

start Pixiu

gateway start -c samples/springcloud/pixiu/conf.yaml

practice proxy SpringCloud service base on Pixiu
