1. simplify benchmark code
2. add native grpc
11 files changed
tree: fbefbd78f17dca8de06e832b74eedab7ee8948f7
  1. .github/
  2. benchmark-base/
  3. client-base/
  4. dubbo-avro-client/
  5. dubbo-avro-server/
  6. dubbo-fastjson-client/
  7. dubbo-fastjson-server/
  8. dubbo-fastjson2-client/
  9. dubbo-fastjson2-server/
  10. dubbo-fst-client/
  11. dubbo-fst-server/
  12. dubbo-go-client/
  13. dubbo-go-server/
  14. dubbo-go-triple-client/
  15. dubbo-go-triple-server/
  16. dubbo-grpc-client/
  17. dubbo-grpc-server/
  18. dubbo-gson-client/
  19. dubbo-gson-server/
  20. dubbo-hessianlite-client/
  21. dubbo-hessianlite-server/
  22. dubbo-kryo-client/
  23. dubbo-kryo-server/
  24. dubbo-metrics-client/
  25. dubbo-metrics-server/
  26. dubbo-native-hessian-client/
  27. dubbo-native-hessian-server/
  28. dubbo-pb-client/
  29. dubbo-pb-server/
  30. dubbo-protobuf-json-client/
  31. dubbo-protobuf-json-server/
  32. dubbo-protostuff-client/
  33. dubbo-protostuff-server/
  34. dubbo-triple-client/
  35. dubbo-triple-server/
  36. native-grpc-client/
  37. native-grpc-server/
  38. server-base/
  39. .asf.yaml
  40. .gitignore
  41. benchmark-go.sh
  42. benchmark.sh
  43. go.mod
  44. go.sum
  46. pom.xml
  47. prepare.sh
  48. README.md

Dubbo Benchmark

Build Status

This project focuses on benchmarking and profiling dubbo framework with the combination of different serialization and transporter options. The code and the idea behinds it is inspired by RPC Benchmark.

How To Run Benchmark

Clone this project onto your desktop, then

  • Start the target server first, for example:
./benchmark.sh dubbo-kryo-server
  • Start the corresponding client, for example:
./benchmark.sh dubbo-kryo-client
  • If you want run dubbo-go benchmark, use the script benchmark-go.sh, for example:
./benchmark-go.sh dubbo-go-triple-server
./benchmark-go.sh dubbo-go-triple-client

#You can use -h to see the configurable parameters, for example:
./benchmark-go.sh dubbo-go-triple-client -h

How to Run Profiling

  • Start the target server in profiling mode, for example:
./benchmark.sh -m profiling dubbo-kryo-server
  • Start the corresponding client, for example:
./benchmark.sh dubbo-kryo-client

Specify hostname, port and output file for service

./benchmark.sh -s [hostname|ip address] -p port -f output