tree: 7c25637fe16d07d3c8b83f1a4f7de8b5075ecce9 [path history] [tgz]
  1. dubbo-admin/
  2. dubbo-monitor-simple/
  3. dubbo-registry-simple/
  4. .gitignore
  5. .travis.yml
  6. pom.xml


Build Status Gitter

The following modules in Apache Dubbo(incubating) have been moved here:

  • dubbo-admin
  • dubbo-monitor-simple
  • dubbo-registry-simple


dubbo admin is under refactoring, please checkout the develop branch

How to use it

dubbo admin

Dubbo admin is a spring boot application, you can start it with fat jar or in IDE directly.

dubbo monitor and dubbo registry

You can get a release of dubbo monitor in two steps:

  • Step 1:
git clone
  • Step 2:
cd incubator-dubbo-ops && mvn package

Then you will find:

  • dubbo-monitor-simple-2.0.0-assembly.tar.gz in incubator-dubbo-ops\dubbo-monitor-simple\target directory. Unzip it you will find the shell scripts for starting or stopping monitor.
  • dubbo-registry-simple-2.0.0-assembly.tar.gz in incubator-dubbo-ops\dubbo-registry-simple\target directory. Unzip it you will find the shell scripts for starting or stopping registry.