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Druid uses ZooKeeper (ZK) for management of current cluster state. The operations that happen over ZK are

  1. Coordinator leader election
  2. Segment “publishing” protocol from Historical and Realtime
  3. Segment load/drop protocol between Coordinator and Historical
  4. Overlord leader election
  5. Indexing Service task management

Property Configuration

ZooKeeper paths are set via the configuration file. Druid will automatically create paths that do not exist, so typos in config files is a very easy way to become split-brained.

There is a prefix path that is required and can be used as the only (well, kinda, see the note below) path-related zookeeper configuration parameter (everything else will be a default based on the prefix):


You can also override each individual path (defaults are shown below):

druid.zk.paths.baseBase Zookeeper path.druid
druid.zk.paths.propertiesPathZookeeper properties path.druid/properties
druid.zk.paths.announcementsPathDruid node announcement path.druid/announcements
druid.zk.paths.servedSegmentsPathLegacy path for where Druid nodes announce their segments.druid/servedSegments
druid.zk.paths.liveSegmentsPathCurrent path for where Druid nodes announce their segments.druid/segments
druid.zk.paths.loadQueuePathEntries here cause historical nodes to load and drop segments.druid/loadQueue
druid.zk.paths.coordinatorPathUsed by the coordinator for leader election.druid/coordinator
druid.zk.paths.indexer.announcementsPathMiddle managers announce themselves here.druid/indexer/announcements
druid.zk.paths.indexer.tasksPathUsed to assign tasks to middle managers.druid/indexer/tasks
druid.zk.paths.indexer.statusPathParent path for announcement of task statuses.druid/indexer/status
druid.zk.paths.indexer.leaderLatchPathUsed for Overlord leader election.druid/indexer/leaderLatchPath

NOTE: We also use Curator’s service discovery module to expose some services via zookeeper. This also uses a zookeeper path, but this path is not affected by druid.zk.paths.base and must be specified separately. This property is


Coordinator Leader Election

We use the Curator LeadershipLatch recipe to do leader election at path


Segment “publishing” protocol from Historical and Realtime

The announcementsPath and servedSegmentsPath are used for this.

All Historical and Realtime nodes publish themselves on the announcementsPath, specifically, they will create an ephemeral znode at


Which signifies that they exist. They will also subsequently create a permanent znode at


And as they load up segments, they will attach ephemeral znodes that look like


Nodes like the Coordinator and Broker can then watch these paths to see which nodes are currently serving which segments.

Segment load/drop protocol between Coordinator and Historical

The loadQueuePath is used for this.

When the Coordinator decides that a Historical node should load or drop a segment, it writes an ephemeral znode to


This node will contain a payload that indicates to the historical node what it should do with the given segment. When the historical node is done with the work, it will delete the znode in order to signify to the Coordinator that it is complete.