id: virtual-columns title: “Virtual Columns”

Virtual columns are queryable column “views” created from a set of columns during a query.

A virtual column can potentially draw from multiple underlying columns, although a virtual column always presents itself as a single column.

Virtual columns can be used as dimensions or as inputs to aggregators.

Each Apache Druid (incubating) query can accept a list of virtual columns as a parameter. The following scan query is provided as an example:

 "queryType": "scan",
 "dataSource": "page_data",
 "virtualColumns": [
      "type": "expression",
      "name": "fooPage",
      "expression": "concat('foo' + page)",
      "outputType": "STRING"
      "type": "expression",
      "name": "tripleWordCount",
      "expression": "wordCount * 3",
      "outputType": "LONG"
 "intervals": [

Virtual column types

Expression virtual column

The expression virtual column has the following syntax:

  "type": "expression",
  "name": <name of the virtual column>,
  "expression": <row expression>,
  "outputType": <output value type of expression>
nameThe name of the virtual column.yes
expressionAn expression that takes a row as input and outputs a value for the virtual column.yes
outputTypeThe expression's output will be coerced to this type. Can be LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, or, default is FLOAT