Becoming a project administrator

Druid committers shall obtain a status of a Druid project administrator. First, the Druid committer needs to log in using his Github account. Then, somebody who is already a project administrator needs to do the following:

  1. Follow the “Administration” link in the top-right corner of the page
  2. Follow the “Users” link in the “User Management” section in the menu on the left
  3. Type the comitter's Github handle in the “Find users” text input, press “Filter”
  4. Select the comitter
  5. Press the “Assign roles” button in the bottom of the page
  6. Select “Role: Project administrator” and “Scope: Open-source project -> Druid” in the inputs, press “Assign”

Restarting a build

A project administrator could restart a build by pressing the “Run” button on the build page.