layout: doc_page title: “RabbitMQ”


To use this extension, make sure to include druid-rabbitmq extension.



This firehose ingests events from a define rabbit-mq queue.

Note: Add amqp-client-3.2.1.jar to lib directory of druid to use this firehose.

A sample spec for rabbitmq firehose:

"firehose" : {
   "type" : "rabbitmq",
   "connection" : {
     "host": "localhost",
     "port": "5672",
     "username": "test-dude",
     "password": "test-word",
     "virtualHost": "test-vhost",
     "uri": "amqp://mqserver:1234/vhost"
   "config" : {
     "exchange": "test-exchange",
     "queue" : "druidtest",
     "routingKey": "#",
     "durable": "true",
     "exclusive": "false",
     "autoDelete": "false",
     "maxRetries": "10",
     "retryIntervalSeconds": "1",
     "maxDurationSeconds": "300"
typeThis should be “rabbitmq”N/Ayes
hostThe hostname of the RabbitMQ broker to connect tolocalhostno
portThe port number to connect to on the RabbitMQ broker5672no
usernameThe username to use to connect to RabbitMQguestno
passwordThe password to use to connect to RabbitMQguestno
virtualHostThe virtual host to connect to/no
uriThe URI string to use to connect to RabbitMQno
exchangeThe exchange to connect toyes
queueThe queue to connect to or createyes
routingKeyThe routing key to use to bind the queue to the exchangeyes
durableWhether the queue should be durablefalseno
exclusiveWhether the queue should be exclusivefalseno
autoDeleteWhether the queue should auto-delete on disconnectfalseno
maxRetriesThe max number of reconnection retry attemptsyes
retryIntervalSecondsThe reconnection intervalyes
maxDurationSecondsThe max duration of trying to reconnectyes