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MySQL Metadata Store

Make sure to include mysql-metadata-storage as an extension.

Setting up MySQL

  1. Install MySQL

Use your favorite package manager to install mysql, e.g.:

  • on Ubuntu/Debian using apt apt-get install mysql-server
  • on OS X, using Homebrew brew install mysql

Alternatively, download and follow installation instructions for MySQL Community Server here:

  1. Create a druid database and user

Connect to MySQL from the machine where it is installed.

> mysql -u root

Paste the following snippet into the mysql prompt:

-- create a druid database, make sure to use utf8 as encoding

-- create a druid user, and grant it all permission on the database we just created
GRANT ALL ON druid.* TO 'druid'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'diurd';
  1. Configure your Druid metadata storage extension:

Add the following parameters to your Druid configuration, replacing <host> with the location (host name and port) of the database.


Note: the metadata storage extension is not packaged within the main Druid tarball; it is packaged in a separate tarball that can be downloaded from here. You can also get it using pull-deps, or you can build it from source code; see Build from Source.

Encrypting MySQL connections

This extension provides support for encrypting MySQL connections. To get more information about encrypting MySQL connections using TLS/SSL in general, please refer to this guide.


druid.metadata.mysql.ssl.useSSLEnable SSLfalseno
druid.metadata.mysql.ssl.clientCertificateKeyStoreUrlThe file path URL to the client certificate key store.noneno
druid.metadata.mysql.ssl.clientCertificateKeyStoreTypeThe type of the key store where the client certificate is stored.noneno
druid.metadata.mysql.ssl.clientCertificateKeyStorePasswordThe Password Provider or String password for the client key store.noneno
druid.metadata.mysql.ssl.verifyServerCertificateEnables server certificate verification.falseno
druid.metadata.mysql.ssl.trustCertificateKeyStoreUrlThe file path to the trusted root certificate key store.Default trust store provided by MySQLyes if verifyServerCertificate is set to true and a custom trust store is used
druid.metadata.mysql.ssl.trustCertificateKeyStoreTypeThe type of the key store where trusted root certificates are stored.JKSyes if verifyServerCertificate is set to true and keystore type is not JKS
druid.metadata.mysql.ssl.trustCertificateKeyStorePasswordThe Password Provider or String password for the trust store.noneyes if verifyServerCertificate is set to true and password is not null
druid.metadata.mysql.ssl.enabledSSLCipherSuitesOverrides the existing cipher suites with these cipher suites.noneno
druid.metadata.mysql.ssl.enabledTLSProtocolsOverrides the TLS protocols with these protocols.noneno