layout: doc_page title: “Native Index Tasks”

Native Index Tasks

Druid currently has two types of native batch indexing tasks, index_parallel which runs tasks in parallel on multiple middle manager nodes, and index which will run a single indexing task locally on a single middle manager.

Parallel Index Task

The Parallel Index Task is a task for parallel batch indexing. This task only uses Druid‘s resource and doesn’t depend on other external systems like Hadoop. This task currently works in a single phase without shuffling intermediate data. index_parallel task is a supervisor task which basically generates multiple worker tasks and submits them to overlords. Each worker task reads input data and makes segments. Once they successfully generate segments for all input, they report the generated segment list to the supervisor task. The supervisor task periodically checks the worker task statuses. If one of them fails, it retries the failed task until the retrying number reaches the configured limit. If all worker tasks succeed, then it collects the reported list of generated segments and publishes those segments at once.

To use this task, the firehose in ioConfig should be splittable. If it's not, this task runs sequentially. The current splittable fireshoses are LocalFirehose, HttpFirehose , StaticS3Firehose, StaticAzureBlobStoreFirehose , StaticGoogleBlobStoreFirehose, and StaticCloudFilesFirehose.

The splittable firehose is responsible for generating splits. The supervisor task generates worker task specs each of which specifies a split and submits worker tasks using those specs. As a result, the number of worker tasks depends on the implementation of splittable firehoses. Please note that multiple tasks can be created for the same worker task spec if one of them fails.

Since this task doesn‘t shuffle intermediate data, it isn’t available for perfect rollup.

An example ingestion spec is:

  "type": "index_parallel",
  "spec": {
    "dataSchema": {
      "dataSource": "wikipedia_parallel_index_test",
      "metricsSpec": [
          "type": "count",
              "name": "count"
              "type": "doubleSum",
              "name": "added",
              "fieldName": "added"
              "type": "doubleSum",
              "name": "deleted",
              "fieldName": "deleted"
              "type": "doubleSum",
              "name": "delta",
              "fieldName": "delta"
        "granularitySpec": {
          "segmentGranularity": "DAY",
          "queryGranularity": "second",
          "intervals" : [ "2013-08-31/2013-09-02" ]
        "parser": {
          "parseSpec": {
            "format" : "json",
            "timestampSpec": {
              "column": "timestamp"
            "dimensionsSpec": {
              "dimensions": [
    "ioConfig": {
        "type": "index_parallel",
        "firehose": {
          "type": "local",
          "baseDir": "examples/indexing/",
          "filter": "wikipedia_index_data*"

Task Properties

typeThe task type, this should always be index_parallel.yes
idThe task ID. If this is not explicitly specified, Druid generates the task ID using task type, data source name, interval, and date-time
specThe ingestion spec including the data schema, IOConfig, and TuningConfig. See below for more details.yes
contextContext containing various task configuration parameters. See below for more


This field is required.

See Ingestion Spec DataSchema


typeThe task type, this should always be index_parallel.noneyes
firehoseSpecify a Firehose here.noneyes
appendToExistingCreates segments as additional shards of the latest version, effectively appending to the segment set instead of replacing it. This will only work if the existing segment set has extendable-type shardSpecs (which can be forced by setting ‘forceExtendableShardSpecs’ in the tuning config).falseno


The tuningConfig is optional and default parameters will be used if no tuningConfig is specified. See below for more details.

typeThe task type, this should always be index_parallel.noneyes
targetPartitionSizeUsed in sharding. Determines how many rows are in each segment.5000000no
maxRowsInMemoryUsed in determining when intermediate persists to disk should occur. Normally user does not need to set this, but depending on the nature of data, if rows are short in terms of bytes, user may not want to store a million rows in memory and this value should be set.1000000no
maxBytesInMemoryUsed in determining when intermediate persists to disk should occur. Normally this is computed internally and user does not need to set it. This value represents number of bytes to aggregate in heap memory before persisting. This is based on a rough estimate of memory usage and not actual usage. The maximum heap memory usage for indexing is maxBytesInMemory * (2 + maxPendingPersists)1/6 of max JVM memoryno
maxTotalRowsTotal number of rows in segments waiting for being pushed. Used in determining when intermediate pushing should occur.150000no
numShardsDirectly specify the number of shards to create. If this is specified and ‘intervals’ is specified in the granularitySpec, the index task can skip the determine intervals/partitions pass through the data. numShards cannot be specified if targetPartitionSize is set.nullno
indexSpecdefines segment storage format options to be used at indexing time, see IndexSpecnullno
maxPendingPersistsMaximum number of persists that can be pending but not started. If this limit would be exceeded by a new intermediate persist, ingestion will block until the currently-running persist finishes. Maximum heap memory usage for indexing scales with maxRowsInMemory * (2 + maxPendingPersists).0 (meaning one persist can be running concurrently with ingestion, and none can be queued up)no
forceExtendableShardSpecsForces use of extendable shardSpecs. Experimental feature intended for use with the Kafka indexing service extension.falseno
reportParseExceptionsIf true, exceptions encountered during parsing will be thrown and will halt ingestion; if false, unparseable rows and fields will be skipped.falseno
pushTimeoutMilliseconds to wait for pushing segments. It must be >= 0, where 0 means to wait forever.0no
segmentWriteOutMediumFactorySegment write-out medium to use when creating segments. See Additional Peon Configuration: SegmentWriteOutMediumFactory for explanation and available options.Not specified, the value from druid.peon.defaultSegmentWriteOutMediumFactory is usedno
maxNumSubTasksMaximum number of tasks which can be run at the same time.Integer.MAX_VALUEno
maxRetryMaximum number of retries on task failures.3no
taskStatusCheckPeriodMsPolling period in milleseconds to check running task statuses.1000no
chatHandlerTimeoutTimeout for reporting the pushed segments in worker tasks.PT10Sno
chatHandlerNumRetriesRetries for reporting the pushed segments in worker tasks.5no

HTTP Endpoints

The supervisor task provides some HTTP endpoints to get running status.

  • http://{PEON_IP}:{PEON_PORT}/druid/worker/v1/chat/{SUPERVISOR_TASK_ID}/mode

Returns ‘parallel’ if the indexing task is running in parallel. Otherwise, it returns ‘sequential’.

  • http://{PEON_IP}:{PEON_PORT}/druid/worker/v1/chat/{SUPERVISOR_TASK_ID}/progress

Returns the current progress if the supervisor task is running in the parallel mode.

An example of the result is

  • http://{PEON_IP}:{PEON_PORT}/druid/worker/v1/chat/{SUPERVISOR_TASK_ID}/subtasks/running

Returns the task IDs of running worker tasks, or an empty list if the supervisor task is running in the sequential mode.

  • http://{PEON_IP}:{PEON_PORT}/druid/worker/v1/chat/{SUPERVISOR_TASK_ID}/subtaskspecs

Returns all worker task specs, or an empty list if the supervisor task is running in the sequential mode.

  • http://{PEON_IP}:{PEON_PORT}/druid/worker/v1/chat/{SUPERVISOR_TASK_ID}/subtaskspecs/running

Returns running worker task specs, or an empty list if the supervisor task is running in the sequential mode.

  • http://{PEON_IP}:{PEON_PORT}/druid/worker/v1/chat/{SUPERVISOR_TASK_ID}/subtaskspecs/complete

Returns complete worker task specs, or an empty list if the supervisor task is running in the sequential mode.

  • http://{PEON_IP}:{PEON_PORT}/druid/worker/v1/chat/{SUPERVISOR_TASK_ID}/subtaskspec/{SUB_TASK_SPEC_ID}

Returns the worker task spec of the given id, or HTTP 404 Not Found error if the supervisor task is running in the sequential mode.

  • http://{PEON_IP}:{PEON_PORT}/druid/worker/v1/chat/{SUPERVISOR_TASK_ID}/subtaskspec/{SUB_TASK_SPEC_ID}/state

Returns the state of the worker task spec of the given id, or HTTP 404 Not Found error if the supervisor task is running in the sequential mode. The returned result contains the worker task spec, a current task status if exists, and task attempt history.

An example of the result is

  "spec": {
    "id": "index_parallel_lineitem_2018-04-20T22:12:43.610Z_2",
    "groupId": "index_parallel_lineitem_2018-04-20T22:12:43.610Z",
    "supervisorTaskId": "index_parallel_lineitem_2018-04-20T22:12:43.610Z",
    "context": null,
    "inputSplit": {
      "split": "/path/to/data/lineitem.tbl.5"
    "ingestionSpec": {
      "dataSchema": {
        "dataSource": "lineitem",
        "parser": {
          "type": "hadoopyString",
          "parseSpec": {
            "format": "tsv",
            "delimiter": "|",
            "timestampSpec": {
              "column": "l_shipdate",
              "format": "yyyy-MM-dd"
            "dimensionsSpec": {
              "dimensions": [
            "columns": [
        "metricsSpec": [
            "type": "count",
            "name": "count"
            "type": "longSum",
            "name": "l_quantity",
            "fieldName": "l_quantity",
            "expression": null
            "type": "doubleSum",
            "name": "l_extendedprice",
            "fieldName": "l_extendedprice",
            "expression": null
            "type": "doubleSum",
            "name": "l_discount",
            "fieldName": "l_discount",
            "expression": null
            "type": "doubleSum",
            "name": "l_tax",
            "fieldName": "l_tax",
            "expression": null
        "granularitySpec": {
          "type": "uniform",
          "segmentGranularity": "YEAR",
          "queryGranularity": {
            "type": "none"
          "rollup": true,
          "intervals": [
        "transformSpec": {
          "filter": null,
          "transforms": []
      "ioConfig": {
        "type": "index_parallel",
        "firehose": {
          "type": "local",
          "baseDir": "/path/to/data/",
          "filter": "lineitem.tbl.5",
          "parser": null
        "appendToExisting": false
      "tuningConfig": {
        "type": "index_parallel",
        "targetPartitionSize": 5000000,
        "maxRowsInMemory": 1000000,
        "maxTotalRows": 20000000,
        "numShards": null,
        "indexSpec": {
          "bitmap": {
            "type": "concise"
          "dimensionCompression": "lz4",
          "metricCompression": "lz4",
          "longEncoding": "longs"
        "maxPendingPersists": 0,
        "forceExtendableShardSpecs": false,
        "reportParseExceptions": false,
        "pushTimeout": 0,
        "segmentWriteOutMediumFactory": null,
        "maxNumSubTasks": 2147483647,
        "maxRetry": 3,
        "taskStatusCheckPeriodMs": 1000,
        "chatHandlerTimeout": "PT10S",
        "chatHandlerNumRetries": 5,
        "logParseExceptions": false,
        "maxParseExceptions": 2147483647,
        "maxSavedParseExceptions": 0,
        "forceGuaranteedRollup": false,
        "buildV9Directly": true
  "currentStatus": {
    "id": "index_sub_lineitem_2018-04-20T22:16:29.922Z",
    "type": "index_sub",
    "createdTime": "2018-04-20T22:16:29.925Z",
    "queueInsertionTime": "2018-04-20T22:16:29.929Z",
    "statusCode": "RUNNING",
    "duration": -1,
    "location": {
      "host": null,
      "port": -1,
      "tlsPort": -1
    "dataSource": "lineitem",
    "errorMsg": null
  "taskHistory": []
  • http://{PEON_IP}:{PEON_PORT}/druid/worker/v1/chat/{SUPERVISOR_TASK_ID}/subtaskspec/{SUB_TASK_SPEC_ID}/history

Returns the task attempt history of the worker task spec of the given id, or HTTP 404 Not Found error if the supervisor task is running in the sequential mode.

Local Index Task

The Local Index Task is designed to be used for smaller data sets. The task executes within the indexing service. The grammar of the index task is as follows:

  "type" : "index",
  "spec" : {
    "dataSchema" : {
      "dataSource" : "wikipedia",
      "parser" : {
        "type" : "string",
        "parseSpec" : {
          "format" : "json",
          "timestampSpec" : {
            "column" : "timestamp",
            "format" : "auto"
          "dimensionsSpec" : {
            "dimensions": ["page","language","user","unpatrolled","newPage","robot","anonymous","namespace","continent","country","region","city"],
            "dimensionExclusions" : [],
            "spatialDimensions" : []
      "metricsSpec" : [
          "type" : "count",
          "name" : "count"
          "type" : "doubleSum",
          "name" : "added",
          "fieldName" : "added"
          "type" : "doubleSum",
          "name" : "deleted",
          "fieldName" : "deleted"
          "type" : "doubleSum",
          "name" : "delta",
          "fieldName" : "delta"
      "granularitySpec" : {
        "type" : "uniform",
        "segmentGranularity" : "DAY",
        "queryGranularity" : "NONE",
        "intervals" : [ "2013-08-31/2013-09-01" ]
    "ioConfig" : {
      "type" : "index",
      "firehose" : {
        "type" : "local",
        "baseDir" : "examples/indexing/",
        "filter" : "wikipedia_data.json"
    "tuningConfig" : {
      "type" : "index",
      "targetPartitionSize" : 5000000,
      "maxRowsInMemory" : 1000000

Task Properties

typeThe task type, this should always be “index”.yes
idThe task ID. If this is not explicitly specified, Druid generates the task ID using task type, data source name, interval, and date-time
specThe ingestion spec including the data schema, IOConfig, and TuningConfig. See below for more details.yes
contextContext containing various task configuration parameters. See below for more


This field is required.

See Ingestion Spec DataSchema


typeThe task type, this should always be “index”.noneyes
firehoseSpecify a Firehose here.noneyes
appendToExistingCreates segments as additional shards of the latest version, effectively appending to the segment set instead of replacing it. This will only work if the existing segment set has extendable-type shardSpecs (which can be forced by setting ‘forceExtendableShardSpecs’ in the tuning config).falseno


The tuningConfig is optional and default parameters will be used if no tuningConfig is specified. See below for more details.

typeThe task type, this should always be “index”.noneyes
targetPartitionSizeUsed in sharding. Determines how many rows are in each segment.5000000no
maxRowsInMemoryUsed in determining when intermediate persists to disk should occur. Normally user does not need to set this, but depending on the nature of data, if rows are short in terms of bytes, user may not want to store a million rows in memory and this value should be set.1000000no
maxBytesInMemoryUsed in determining when intermediate persists to disk should occur. Normally this is computed internally and user does not need to set it. This value represents number of bytes to aggregate in heap memory before persisting. This is based on a rough estimate of memory usage and not actual usage. The maximum heap memory usage for indexing is maxBytesInMemory * (2 + maxPendingPersists)1/6 of max JVM memoryno
maxTotalRowsTotal number of rows in segments waiting for being pushed. Used in determining when intermediate pushing should occur.20000000no
numShardsDirectly specify the number of shards to create. If this is specified and ‘intervals’ is specified in the granularitySpec, the index task can skip the determine intervals/partitions pass through the data. numShards cannot be specified if targetPartitionSize is set.nullno
partitionDimensionsThe dimensions to partition on. Leave blank to select all dimensions. Only used with forceGuaranteedRollup = true, will be ignored otherwise.nullno
indexSpecdefines segment storage format options to be used at indexing time, see IndexSpecnullno
maxPendingPersistsMaximum number of persists that can be pending but not started. If this limit would be exceeded by a new intermediate persist, ingestion will block until the currently-running persist finishes. Maximum heap memory usage for indexing scales with maxRowsInMemory * (2 + maxPendingPersists).0 (meaning one persist can be running concurrently with ingestion, and none can be queued up)no
forceExtendableShardSpecsForces use of extendable shardSpecs. Experimental feature intended for use with the Kafka indexing service extension.falseno
forceGuaranteedRollupForces guaranteeing the perfect rollup. The perfect rollup optimizes the total size of generated segments and querying time while indexing time will be increased. This flag cannot be used with either appendToExisting of IOConfig or forceExtendableShardSpecs. For more details, see the below Segment pushing modes section.falseno
reportParseExceptionsDEPRECATED. If true, exceptions encountered during parsing will be thrown and will halt ingestion; if false, unparseable rows and fields will be skipped. Setting reportParseExceptions to true will override existing configurations for maxParseExceptions and maxSavedParseExceptions, setting maxParseExceptions to 0 and limiting maxSavedParseExceptions to no more than 1.falseno
pushTimeoutMilliseconds to wait for pushing segments. It must be >= 0, where 0 means to wait forever.0no
segmentWriteOutMediumFactorySegment write-out medium to use when creating segments. See Additional Peon Configuration: SegmentWriteOutMediumFactory for explanation and available options.Not specified, the value from druid.peon.defaultSegmentWriteOutMediumFactory is usedno
logParseExceptionsIf true, log an error message when a parsing exception occurs, containing information about the row where the error occurred.falseno
maxParseExceptionsThe maximum number of parse exceptions that can occur before the task halts ingestion and fails. Overridden if reportParseExceptions is set.unlimitedno
maxSavedParseExceptionsWhen a parse exception occurs, Druid can keep track of the most recent parse exceptions. “maxSavedParseExceptions” limits how many exception instances will be saved. These saved exceptions will be made available after the task finishes in the task completion report. Overridden if reportParseExceptions is set.0no


The indexSpec defines segment storage format options to be used at indexing time, such as bitmap type and column compression formats. The indexSpec is optional and default parameters will be used if not specified.

bitmapObjectCompression format for bitmap indexes. Should be a JSON object; see below for (defaults to Concise)
dimensionCompressionStringCompression format for dimension columns. Choose from LZ4, LZF, or (default == LZ4)
metricCompressionStringCompression format for metric columns. Choose from LZ4, LZF, uncompressed, or (default == LZ4)
longEncodingStringEncoding format for metric and dimension columns with type long. Choose from auto or longs. auto encodes the values using offset or lookup table depending on column cardinality, and store them with variable size. longs stores the value as is with 8 bytes (default == longs)
Bitmap types

For Concise bitmaps:

typeStringMust be concise.yes

For Roaring bitmaps:

typeStringMust be roaring.yes
compressRunOnSerializationBooleanUse a run-length encoding where it is estimated as more space (default == true)

Segment pushing modes

While ingesting data using the Index task, it creates segments from the input data and pushes them. For segment pushing, the Index task supports two segment pushing modes, i.e., bulk pushing mode and incremental pushing mode for perfect rollup and best-effort rollup, respectively.

In the bulk pushing mode, every segment is pushed at the very end of the index task. Until then, created segments are stored in the memory and local storage of the node running the index task. As a result, this mode might cause a problem due to limited storage capacity, and is not recommended to use in production.

On the contrary, in the incremental pushing mode, segments are incrementally pushed, that is they can be pushed in the middle of the index task. More precisely, the index task collects data and stores created segments in the memory and disks of the node running that task until the total number of collected rows exceeds maxTotalRows. Once it exceeds, the index task immediately pushes all segments created until that moment, cleans all pushed segments up, and continues to ingest remaining data.

To enable bulk pushing mode, forceGuaranteedRollup should be set in the TuningConfig. Note that this option cannot be used with either forceExtendableShardSpecs of TuningConfig or appendToExisting of IOConfig.