blob: 0e3a55d25060d2aafbe62e55ea9d5063ee8b061d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.druid.testing;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonDeserializer;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* The values here should be kept in sync with the values used in the docker-compose files used to bring up the
* integration-test clusters.
* integration-tests/docker/docker-compose.base.yml defines most of the hostnames, ports, and addresses, but some
* might live in the overrides as well.
public class DockerConfigProvider implements IntegrationTestingConfigProvider
private String dockerIp;
private String extraDatasourceNameSuffix = "";
private String cloudPath;
private String cloudBucket;
private String cloudRegion;
private String s3AssumeRoleWithExternalId;
private String s3AssumeRoleExternalId;
private String s3AssumeRoleWithoutExternalId;
private String hadoopGcsCredentialsPath;
private String azureKey;
private String streamEndpoint;
@JsonDeserialize(using = ArbitraryPropertiesJsonDeserializer.class)
private Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
public IntegrationTestingConfig get()
return new IntegrationTestingConfig()
public String getCoordinatorUrl()
return "http://" + dockerIp + ":8081";
public String getCoordinatorTLSUrl()
return "https://" + dockerIp + ":8281";
public String getCoordinatorTwoUrl()
return "http://" + dockerIp + ":8581";
public String getCoordinatorTwoTLSUrl()
return "https://" + dockerIp + ":8781";
public String getOverlordUrl()
return "http://" + dockerIp + ":8090";
public String getOverlordTLSUrl()
return "https://" + dockerIp + ":8290";
public String getOverlordTwoUrl()
return "http://" + dockerIp + ":8590";
public String getOverlordTwoTLSUrl()
return "https://" + dockerIp + ":8790";
public String getRouterUrl()
return "http://" + dockerIp + ":8888";
public String getRouterTLSUrl()
return "https://" + dockerIp + ":9088";
public String getPermissiveRouterUrl()
return "http://" + dockerIp + ":8889";
public String getPermissiveRouterTLSUrl()
return "https://" + dockerIp + ":9089";
public String getNoClientAuthRouterUrl()
return "http://" + dockerIp + ":8890";
public String getNoClientAuthRouterTLSUrl()
return "https://" + dockerIp + ":9090";
public String getCustomCertCheckRouterUrl()
return "http://" + dockerIp + ":8891";
public String getCustomCertCheckRouterTLSUrl()
return "https://" + dockerIp + ":9091";
public String getBrokerUrl()
return "http://" + dockerIp + ":8082";
public String getBrokerTLSUrl()
return "https://" + dockerIp + ":8282";
public String getHistoricalUrl()
return "http://" + dockerIp + ":8083";
public String getHistoricalTLSUrl()
return "https://" + dockerIp + ":8283";
public String getIndexerUrl()
return "http://" + dockerIp + ":8091";
public String getIndexerTLSUrl()
return "https://" + dockerIp + ":8291";
public String getMiddleManagerHost()
return dockerIp;
public String getHistoricalHost()
return dockerIp;
public String getBrokerHost()
return dockerIp;
public String getRouterHost()
return dockerIp;
public String getCoordinatorHost()
return dockerIp;
public String getCoordinatorTwoHost()
return dockerIp;
public String getOverlordHost()
return dockerIp;
public String getOverlordTwoHost()
return dockerIp;
public String getZookeeperHosts()
return dockerIp + ":2181";
public String getKafkaHost()
return dockerIp + ":9093";
public String getZookeeperInternalHosts()
// docker container name
return "druid-zookeeper-kafka:2181";
public String getKafkaInternalHost()
// docker container name
return "druid-zookeeper-kafka:9092";
public String getBrokerInternalHost()
return "druid-broker";
public String getRouterInternalHost()
return "druid-router";
public String getCoordinatorInternalHost()
return "druid-coordinator";
public String getCoordinatorTwoInternalHost()
return "druid-coordinator-two";
public String getOverlordInternalHost()
return "druid-overlord";
public String getOverlordTwoInternalHost()
return "druid-overlord-two";
public String getHistoricalInternalHost()
return "druid-historical";
public String getSchemaRegistryHost()
return dockerIp + ":8085";
public String getSchemaRegistryInternalHost()
return "schema-registry:8085";
public String getProperty(String prop)
return properties.get(prop);
public String getUsername()
return null;
public String getPassword()
return null;
public Map<String, String> getProperties()
return properties;
public boolean manageKafkaTopic()
return true;
public String getExtraDatasourceNameSuffix()
return extraDatasourceNameSuffix;
public String getCloudBucket()
return cloudBucket;
public String getCloudPath()
return cloudPath;
public String getCloudRegion()
return cloudRegion;
public String getS3AssumeRoleWithExternalId()
return s3AssumeRoleWithExternalId;
public String getS3AssumeRoleExternalId()
return s3AssumeRoleExternalId;
public String getS3AssumeRoleWithoutExternalId()
return s3AssumeRoleWithoutExternalId;
public String getAzureKey()
return azureKey;
public String getHadoopGcsCredentialsPath()
return hadoopGcsCredentialsPath;
public String getStreamEndpoint()
return streamEndpoint;
public boolean isDocker()
return true;
public String getDockerHost()
return dockerIp;
// there is probably a better way to do this...
static class ArbitraryPropertiesJsonDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<Map<String, String>>
public Map<String, String> deserialize(JsonParser jsonParser, DeserializationContext deserializationContext)
throws IOException
// given some config input, such as
// druid.test.config.properites.a.b.c=d
// calling jsonParser.readValueAs(Map.class) here results in a map that has both nested objects and also
// flattened string pairs, so the map looks something like this (in JSON form):
// {
// "a" : { "b": { "c" : "d" }}},
// "a.b.c":"d"
// }
// The string pairs are the values we want to populate this map with, so filtering out the top level keys which
// do not have string values leaves us with
// { "a.b.c":"d"}
// from the given example, which is what we want
Map<String, Object> parsed = jsonParser.readValueAs(Map.class);
Map<String, String> flat = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : parsed.entrySet()) {
if (!(entry.getValue() instanceof Map)) {
flat.put(entry.getKey(), (String) entry.getValue());
return flat;