title: Seeking New Committers published: true layout: post author: Druid PMC tags: “#druidio #analytics #olap #governance #opensource”

We are excited to announce that we have formalized the governance of Druid to be a community led project! Druid has been informally community led for some time, with committers from various organizations regularly adding new features, improving performance, and making things easier to use. Project committers vote on proposals, review/write pull requests, provide community support, and help guide the technical direction of the project. You can find more information on the project’s goals and governance on our recently updated Druid webpage. Druid depends upon its vibrant community of users for their feedback with respect to features, documentation and very helpful bug reports.

To ensure that best and unbiased interests of the project are always represented, and help Druid grow, we would like to have an even bigger pool of committers from diverse organizations. If you are a Druid user who is passionate about druid and wants to get involved more, then please send your pull requests to improve documentation, bug fixes, tests and proposed/accepted features. Also, feel free to let us know about your interest by contacting existing committers or post in the development list.

To get started developing on Druid, we’ve created and tagged a set of beginner friendly issues on Github. Please use the development list to discuss the best ways to get started on any particular issue. Of course, feel free to create your own issues and submit proposals for anything you’d like to see in Druid.

We look forward to adding new committers on Druid and working together to make the project great!