title: Druid 0.10.0 release published: true layout: post author: Druid PMC tags: “#release”

We're excited to announce the general availability of our latest release, Druid 0.10.0!

Druid 0.10.0 contains hundreds of performance improvements, stability improvements, and bug fixes from over 40 contributors. Major new features include a built-in SQL layer, numeric dimensions, Kerberos authentication support, a revamp of the “index” task, a new “like” filter, large columns, ability to run the coordinator and overlord as a single service, better performing defaults, and eight new extensions.

You can download the release here: /downloads.html

The full release notes are here: https://github.com/apache/incubator-druid/releases/druid-0.10.0

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release!