published: false layout: post

In this post, we will cover the creation of web applications with realtime visualizations using Druid, Ruby/Python and D3.js. Complete code in Ruby and Python for this example is available at

For more information on the Ruby and Python Druid clients, see here and here. For more information on starting a Druid realtime node, see here.

Druid Explorer Chart

Web App in Python/Flask/pyDruid

Our Python Flask application is simple enough. One route serves our HTML/CSS/Javascript, and another serves JSON to our chart. The fetch_data method runs our Druid query via the pyDruid package.

from flask import Flask, render_template
import json
import re
from pydruid.client import *

# Setup Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

# Druid Config
endpoint = 'druid/v2/?pretty'
demo_bard_url =  'http://localhost:8083'
dataSource = 'webstream'

# Boot a Druid 
query = pyDruid(demo_bard_url, endpoint)

# Display our HTML Template
def time_series():
    return render_template('index.html')

# Fetch our data from Druid
def fetch_data(start_iso_date, end_iso_date):
    intervals = [start_iso_date + "/" + end_iso_date]
    counts = query.timeseries(dataSource = dataSource, 
    	                      granularity = "second", 
    						  intervals = intervals, 
    						  aggregations = {"count" : doubleSum("rows")}
    json_data = json.dumps(counts)
    return json_data

# Deliver data in JSON to our chart
def time_series_data(start_iso_date, end_iso_date):
    return fetch_data(start_iso_date, end_iso_date)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Web App in Ruby/Sinatra/ruby-druid

Our Ruby application using Sinatra and ruby-druid is similar. First we setup some Sinatra configuration variables, and then repeat the work above:

# index.rb
require 'sinatra'
require 'druid'
require 'json'

set :public_folder, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/static'
set :views, 'templates'

client ='', {:static_setup => { 'realtime/webstream' => 'http://localhost:8083/druid/v2/' }})

def fetch_data(client, start_iso_date, end_iso_date)
  query ='realtime/webstream').time_series().double_sum(:rows).granularity(:second).interval(start_iso_date, end_iso_date)
  result = client.send(query)
  counts = {|r| {'timestamp' => r.timestamp, 'result' => r.row}}
  json = JSON.generate(counts)

get '/time_series' do
  erb :index

get '/time_series_data/:start_iso_date/:end_iso_date' do |start_iso_date, end_iso_date|
  fetch_data(client, start_iso_date, end_iso_date)

Javascript - D3.js

The meat of our appliation is in Javascript, using the d3.js library. The complete code is here and a working JSFiddle is here. Commented code highlights are below:

// Made possible only with help from Vadim Ogeivetsky
var data = [];
var maxDataPoints = 20; // Max number of points to keep in the graph
var nextData = data;
var dataToShow = [];
setInterval(function() { 
    data = nextData;

    // Skip when nothing more to show
    if (dataToShow.length == 0) return;

    // Take on datum from the new data and add it to the data
    // (pretend like the data is arriving one at a time)

    // once we get too many things in data, remove some
    // use nextData to train the scales but use the untrimmed data
    // for rendering so that it looks smooth
    nextData = data.length > maxDataPoints ? data.slice(data.length - maxDataPoints) : data;

    // can not show area unless we gave min 2 points
    if (data.length < 2) return;

    // This is a key step that needs to be done because of the 
    // paculiarity of area / line charts
    // (they have one element that represnts N data points - unlike a bar chart) 
    // reaply the old area function (with the old scale) to the new data
    dPath.attr("d", area(data))        

    // Update the scale domains
    x.domain(d3.extent(nextData, function(d) { return; }));
    y.domain([0, d3.max(nextData, function(d) { return d.close; })]);

    // reaply the axis selection (now that the scales have been updated)
    // yay for transition!

    // reaply the updated area function to animate the area 
    dPath.transition().duration(900).attr("d", area(data))

}, 1000);

function convert(ds) { 
    return {   
        return {
            date: new Date(d['timestamp']),
            close: d['result']['count']

lastQueryTime = new Date( - 60 * 1000) // start from one minute ago
function doQuery() {
    now = new Date()
    druidQuery(lastQueryTime, now, function(err, results) {
        // add results to the data to be shown
        lastQueryTime = now
        dataToShow = dataToShow.concat(convert(results)) 
        console.log('dataToShow length', dataToShow.length)
setInterval(doQuery, 10000)

This chart highlights Druid's dual-realtime abilities: rapidly consuming and querying large streams, and we hope it helps illustrate how to use Druid with realtime visualizations!