published: true layout: post author: Russell Jurney

Without Whirr, to launch a Druid cluster, you'd have to provision machines yourself, and then install each node type manually. This process is outlined here. With Whirr, you can boot a druid cluster by editing a simple configuration file and then issuing a single command!

About Druid

Druid is a rockin' exploratory analytical data store capable of offering interactive query of big data in realtime - as data is ingested. Druid cost effectively drives 10's of billions of events per day for the Metamarkets platform, and Metamarkets is committed to building Druid in open source.

About Apache Whirr

Apache Whirr is a set of libraries for running cloud services. It allows you to use simple commands to boot clusters of distributed systems for testing and experimentation. Apache Whirr makes booting clusters easy.

Installing Whirr

Until Druid is part of an Apache release (a month or two from now) of Whirr, you'll need to clone the code from and build Whirr.

git clone
cd whirr
git checkout trunk
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true

Configuring your Cloud Provider

You'll need to set these environment variables:

export WHIRR_PROVIDER=aws-ec2

cat recipes/

Much of the configuration is self explanatory:

# Change the cluster name here

# Change the number of machines in the cluster here
whirr.instance-templates=1 zookeeper+druid-mysql+druid-master+druid-broker+druid-compute+druid-realtime
# whirr.instance-templates=3 zookeeper,1 druid-mysql,2 druid-realtime,2 druid-broker,2 druid-master,5 druid-compute

# Which version of druid to load

# S3 bucket to store segments in

# The realtime.spec file to use to configure a realtime node
# whirr.druid.realtime.spec.path=/path/to/druid/examples/config/realtime/realtime.spec

Note that you can change a cluster's configuration with the whirr.instance-templates parameter. This enables you to boot clusters large or small. Note that at least one zookeeper and druid-mysql nodes are required.

Launching a Druid Cluster with Whirr

bin/whirr launch-cluster --config recipes/

When the cluster is ready, ssh instructions will print and we can connect and use the cluster. For more instructions on using a Druid cluster, see here. To destroy a cluster when we're done, run:

bin/whirr destroy-cluster --config recipes/

We hope Apache Whirr makes experimenting with Druid easier than ever!