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About Druid

Druid is a rockin' analytical data store that forms the basis for the metamarkets platform. Metamarkets is dedicated to developing druid in open source.

Booting a Druid EC2 Instance

Loading Your Data and Querying Your Data contain recipes to boot a small druid cluster on localhost. Here we will boot a small cluster on EC2. You can checkout the code, or download a tarball from here.

The ec2 run script,, is located at ‘examples/bin’ if you have checked out the code, or at the root of the project if you've downloaded a tarball. The scripts rely on the Amazon EC2 API Tools, and you will need to set three environment variables:

# Setup environment for ec2-api-tools
export EC2_HOME=/path/to/ec2-api-tools-
export PATH=$PATH:$EC2_HOME/bin

Then, booting an ec2 instance running one node of each type is as simple as running the script, :) You will see an Ubuntu 12.04 machine bootstrap and it will tell you when it is ready and how to ssh to the machine.