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In this post we will demonstrate building a Druid application in Ruby. Code for this example is available on github.

Webstream Example

To setup Druid's webstream example, grab the Druid tarball at

tar -zxvf druid-services-*-bin.tar.gz
cd druid-services-0.5.54
Enter webstream


The ruby-druid project from Madvertise provides Ruby connectivity with Druid. To install ruby-druid, you'll need to get the source:

git clone

Then use bundler to build ruby-druid:

gem install bundler
bundle install

Next you'll need to copy the file dot_driplrc_example to .dripl and edit this file to include this line:

options :static_setup => { 'realtime/webstream' => 'http://localhost:8083/druid/v2/' }

To launch the repl, run:

bundle exec bin/dripl

Now you can query the webstream example:


Or, to query in raw Ruby, run something like this:

bundle exec irb

client ='', {:static_setup => { 'realtime/webstream' => 'http://localhost:8083/druid/v2/' }})
query ='realtime/webstream').double_sum(:rows).granularity(:minute)
result = client.send(query)
puts result
["2013-10-03T23:29:00.000Z":{"rows"=>3124.0}, "2013-10-03T23:30:00.000Z":{"rows"=>73508.0}, "2013-10-03T23:31:00.000Z":{"rows"=>26791.0}, "2013-10-03T23:32:00.000Z":{"rows"=>29966.0}, "2013-10-03T23:33:00.000Z":{"rows"=>21450.0}]

Thats it! Simple enough. In our next post we'll look at building a full-blown web application over Druid.