published: true title: “Druid, R, Pizza and massively large data sets (Video)” author: Xavier Léauté tags: meetup R druid layout: post

On April 3rd 2013 we held our first Meetup hosted by Metamarkets. The description and video follows.

####Meetup Description Since Metamarkets open-sourced Druid, our real-time analytics database, it’s been used within many different industries outside the online advertising space (gaming, on-line entertainment, enterprise CRM). Our community is growing but none so fast and as vocal as the R community.

Outside of our production environment, Metamarkets leverages Druid for research - query and drill down on extremely large data sets in order to provide insight on everything from internal metrics to customer usage patterns. As the key sponsor and creator of Druid, our data scientists rely on the combination of R and Druid for developing analytics to serve customers in online advertising.

In response to the interest we recently decided to open source our R connector for Druid and we thought we‘d create a Meetup to show you how we’ve successfully used this powerful combination. Please join us for our first Open Druid user group at our new office, bring your laptops and learn how to query large data sets in Druid with our recently open sourced Druid R connector.

Follow this link for the original meetup