id: single-server title: “Single server deployment”

Druid includes a launch script, bin/start-druid that automatically sets various memory-related parameters based on available processors and memory. It accepts optional arguments such as list of services, total memory, and a config directory to override default JVM arguments and service-specific runtime properties.

By default, the services started by bin/start-druid:

  • use all processors
  • can use up to 80% memory on the system
  • apply the configuration files in conf/druid/auto for all other settings.

For details about possible arguments, run bin/start-druid --help.

Single server reference configurations (deprecated)

Druid includes a set of reference configurations and launch scripts for single-machine deployments. These start scripts are deprecated in favor of the bin/start-druid script documented above. These configuration bundles are located in conf/druid/single-server/.

ConfigurationSizingLaunch commandConfiguration directory
nano-quickstart1 CPU, 4GiB RAMbin/start-nano-quickstartconf/druid/single-server/nano-quickstart
micro-quickstart4 CPU, 16GiB RAMbin/start-micro-quickstartconf/druid/single-server/micro-quickstart
small8 CPU, 64GiB RAM (~i3.2xlarge)bin/start-smallconf/druid/single-server/small
medium16 CPU, 128GiB RAM (~i3.4xlarge)bin/start-mediumconf/druid/single-server/medium
large32 CPU, 256GiB RAM (~i3.8xlarge)bin/start-largeconf/druid/single-server/large
xlarge64 CPU, 512GiB RAM (~i3.16xlarge)bin/start-xlargeconf/druid/single-server/xlarge

The micro-quickstart is sized for small machines like laptops and is intended for quick evaluation use-cases.

The nano-quickstart is an even smaller configuration, targeting a machine with 1 CPU and 4GiB memory. It is meant for limited evaluations in resource constrained environments, such as small Docker containers.

The other configurations are intended for general use single-machine deployments. They are sized for hardware roughly based on Amazon's i3 series of EC2 instances.

The startup scripts for these example configurations run a single ZK instance along with the Druid services. You can choose to deploy ZK separately as well.