RowSet Framework

The RowSet Framework allows you to create custom instances of:

It also allows the comparison of data container in VectorContainers through the use of the RowSetComparison and RowSetUtilities.

Creating A BatchSchema

The SchemaBuilder class can be used to create an instance BatchSchema. An example of how to to this can be found the secondTest() method of ExampleTest.

Note: The BatchSchema class has limited complex type support. When possible use TupleMetadata and TupleSchema instead.

Creating TupleMetadata

TupleMetadata schema = new SchemaBuilder()

Creating Test VectorContainer

VectorContainers populated with data can be created with the RowSetBuilder. In order to use it do the following:

  1. Create an allocator
    BufferAllocator allocator = operatorFixture.allocator();
  2. Create the desired BatchSchema using the SchemaBuilder.
    TupleMetadata schema = new SchemaBuilder()
  3. Create a RowSetBuilder and add records to it. Then build a RowSet.
    RowSet rowSet = new RowSetBuilder(allocator, schema)
      .addRow(110, "green", new floatArray(5.5f, 2.3f), strArray("1a", "1b"))
      .addRow(109, "blue", new floatArray(1.5f), strArray("2a"))
      .addRow(108, "red", new floatArray(-11.1f, 0.0f, .5f), strArray("3a", "3b", "3c"))
  4. Retrieve the VectorContainer wrapped by the RowSet.
    VectorContainer container = rowSet.container();

Creating A Mock Record Batch (Upstream Operator) With Data

Create a RowSet and then create a RowSetBatch

RecordBatch batch = new RowSetBatch(rowSet);

Comparison Of Results

Compare Two RowSets

Use RowSetUtilities.

RowSetUtilities.verify(expectedRowSet, actualRowSet)

Compare A VectorContainer To A RowSet

You can convert a VectorContainer into a RowSet a few ways:

  • If you are using an OperatorFixture the best way to do this is with:
  • When there is no selection vector you can do the following:
    RowSet rowSet = DirectRowSet.fromContainer(container);
  • When there is a SelectionVector2.
    RowSet rowSet = IndirectRowSet.fromSv2(container, container.getSelectionVector2());
  • When there is a SelectionVector4.
    RowSet rowSet = HyperRowSetImpl.fromContainer(container, container.getSelectionVector4());

After the VectorContainer is wrapped in a [RowSet](../. ./exec/java-exec/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/test/rowSet/ you can compare the two RowSets as usual.

End To End Example

A good example of building a RowSet and comparing results can be found in the testInitialSchema() test in TestResultSetLoaderProtocol.