How to build, publish and run a Apache Drill Docker image


To build an Apache Drill docker image, you need to have the following software installed on your system to successfully complete a build.

If you are using an older Mac or PC, additionally configure docker-machine on your system

Drill Dockerfiles info

Drill has two Dockerfiles:

  • Dockerfile placed in the project root is used for Automated Builds in DockerHub. It builds Drill when building Docker images.
  • Dockerfile placed in the distribution directory may be used during developing the project. It requires a pre-built Drill.


$ git clone

Build Drill

$ cd drill
$ mvn clean install

Build Docker Image

To build a Docker image tagged with the current project version using dockerfile maven plugin using pre-built Drill, the following command may be used:

$ mvn dockerfile:build -Pdocker -pl distribution

Push Docker Image

By default, the docker image built above is configured to be pushed to Drill Docker Hub. Please do not push images manually since it should be done using automated builds in DockerHub.

$ mvn dockerfile:push -Pdocker -pl distribution

You can configure the repository in pom.xml to point to any private or public container registry, or specify it in your mvn command.

$ mvn dockerfile:push -Pdocker -Ddocker.repository=<my_repo> -pl distribution

Run Docker Container

Running the Docker container should start Drill in embedded mode and connect to Sqlline.

$ docker run --rm -i --name drill-1.17.0 -p 8047:8047 -t apache/drill:1.17.0 /bin/bash
Apache Drill 1.17.0
"JSON ain't no thang."
apache drill> select version from sys.version;
| version |
| 1.17.0  |
1 row selected (1.65 seconds)

You can also run the container in detached mode and connect to sqlline using drill-localhost.

$ docker run -i --name drill-1.17.0 -p 8047:8047 --detach -t apache/drill:1.17.0 /bin/bash
<displays container ID>

$ docker exec -it drill-1.17.0 bash
<connects to container>

$ /opt/drill/bin/drill-localhost
Apache Drill 1.17.0
"JSON ain't no thang."
apache drill> select version from sys.version;
| version |
| 1.17.0  |
1 row selected (1.65 seconds)

Querying Data

By default, you can only query files which are accessible within the container. For example, the sample data which ships with Drill.

> select first_name, last_name from cp.`employee.json` limit 1;
| first_name  | last_name  |
| Sheri       | Nowmer     |
1 row selected (0.256 seconds)

To query files outside of the container, you can configure docker volumes

Drill Web UI

Drill web UI can be accessed using http://localhost:8047 once the Drill docker container is up and running. On Windows, you may need to specify the IP address of your system instead of ‘localhost’.

Automated Builds in DockerHub

Autobuild triggers a new build to Drill Docker Hub with every git push to Apache master repository or when new tags are added. It uses Dockerfile from project root directory which builds Drill when building docker image.

More information

For more information including how to run Apache Drill in a Docker container, visit the Apache Drill Documentation